The nuances of backstabbing can be hard to pin down in No Rest for the Wicked. Here is everything players need to know about it.
In true Soulslike fashion, No Rest for the Wicked gives players the ability to perform backstabs, allowing them to circle behind enemies for devastating attacks that deal massive damage.
While the broad strokes of backstabbing will be familiar to fans of the genre, there are some nuances to keep in mind to maximize the effectiveness of this mechanic. Here's everything players need to know.
How to Backstab in No Rest for the Wicked
All players need to do in order to backstab in No Rest for the Wicked is get right behind an enemy and attack. A red skull icon shows up to indicate when the player is close enough to the back of an enemy who can be backstabbed.
The safe way to backstab is to sneak up behind an unaware mob, wait for the red skull icon to show up on their backs when you get close enough, and attack. To sneak, press the left thumbstick on an Xbox Controller (or 'C' on a keyboard). However, this only works when players are able to sneak up on a lone enemy. If the enemy turns around to continue their patrol route or if another enemy spots the player before they're able to execute, all enemies in the area will become aggroed.
Off-hand weapons like bows or shields cannot backstab.
Fortunately, players don't need to sneak in order to get off a backstab; they can do it mid-combat as well. To do so, wait for an enemy to lock themselves into an attack combo, roll behind them and attack when the red skull shows up. Try to I-frame the weapon swing instead of dodging it entirely to get directly behind the enemy quickly. If done correctly, the player and the enemy will be locked in the backstab animation.
The player is immune to all damage while performing a backstab.
Parrying in combat can also create a window of opportunity where the enemy is rendered vulnerable for a few seconds, allowing the player to get behind them without fear of retribution.
Some enemy attacks can have an extremely wide arc that swings to the back, damaging players even if they're directly behind them. Learning their attack patterns is the best way to avoid taking damage.
As a rule of thumb, the larger an enemy, the less likely they will be vulnerable to being backstabbed. Elite enemies with tower shields, enemies with great hammers, and bosses cannot be backstabbed.
Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Developer(s) Moon Studios Publisher(s) Private Division Genre(s) Action RPG