Palworld: How to Get Ancient Technical Manual

in Palworld, Ancient Technical Manuals can provide you with an additional way to earn Technology Points and keep unlocking new items.

Palworld: How to Get Ancient Technical Manual

In Palworld, Ancient Technology Points are a key currency you will need to obtain during your adventures to unlock the crafting recipes for certain items.

While the most common way to obtain Ancient Technology Points is by defeating Alpha bosses, they can also be earned through an item known as the Ancient Technical Manual. For this reason, knowing how to obtain them will be very helpful during your playthrough.

How to Get Ancient Technical Manual in Palworld

Palworld: How to Get Ancient Technical Manual

In Palworld, some items that you can unlock as you progress your player level will be restricted to the cost of Ancient Technology Points only. As many of these restricted items are some of the best additions you can gain during your playthrough, you will need to stock up on Ancient Technology Points somehow.

Before Raid battles were added to the game, the only way to obtain Ancient Technology Points was to defeat or capture Alpha bosses for the first time. However, with the addition of Raids came several key items that can be acquired as Raid Boss drops. One of these items is theAncient Technical Manual, which can be used to get additional Ancient Technology Points.

To participate in Raid battles and potentially earn Ancient Technical Manuals in Palworld, you will first need to build a Summoning Altar. The crafting recipe for this item can be purchased from the Technology Points menu after you have reached a player level of at least 33. After unlocking the Summoning Altar, you will need to gather a few materials and ensure you have a large area of space within one of your Base terrains, as this facility can take up quite a bit of room.

Summoning Altar Build Recipe

  • Stone x100
  • Paldium Fragment x20

After building the Summoning Altar, you will now be able to trigger Raid battles. To trigger a Raid battle, you will need to collect at least 4x Slab Fragments of the same kind by grinding your way through dungeons, as these are some of the item rewards that have a chance to spawn in the purple chests.

After you have at least four Slab Fragments, you can then use the Production Assembly Line II to reinforce these fragments into a singular Slab, which is used with the Summoning Altar to trigger Raid battles. However, after triggering a battle, the Summoning Altar will break, so if you're looking to go through as many Raid battles as possible, it's a good idea to have some extra materials stocked up so you can continually rebuild the Summoning Altar each time.

Platform(s) PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One Released January 19, 2024 Publisher(s) Pocket Pair, Inc. Genre(s) Open-World , Shooter , Survival

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