In Pokemon GO, Wiglett and Wugtrio have made their debut and are available to catch as part of the Rediscover Kanto event.
In Pokemon GO, new creatures are added sporadically following the creation of a new generation of Pokemon. Quite often, new Pokemon are introduced during various events that take place as seasons of the game come and pass.
Among the various Pokemon that have been introduced into the game, Wiglett and Wugtrio have made their debut through the 2024 Rediscover Kanto event, providing Trainers with a chance to capture one for themselves, mark off the Pokedex entry, and update their collection. For this reason, knowing important details regarding these Pokemon during Rediscover Kanto, as well as how to obtain them, is key to filling your Pokedex.
How to Get Wiglett and Wugtrio in Pokemon GO
In Pokemon GO, the Rediscover Kanto event brings new biomes to the game, which will impact the visuals of your gameplay and the types of Pokemon you encounter. While this event mainly features generation 1 Kantonian Pokemon, the Paldean form of Diglett and Dugtrio — Wiglett and Wugtrio, have also been included, making their Pokemon GO debut.
Both Wiglett and Wugtrio can be encountered while exploring beach biomes in Pokemon GO. This means that your best chance of finding a beach biome and successfully capturing a Wiglett or Wugtrio for yourself is to head down to the nearest beach, or at least some location with beach-like terrain. As this is the only way to obtain Wiglett or Wugtrio (other than evolution for the latter), it is a good idea to stock up on extra Poke Balls beforehand, to ensure you have plenty to spare for when you do stumble upon either of these critters.
In circumstances where you are unable to encounter Wugtrio in the wild through biomes, you can attempt to acquire one by evolving Wiglett instead. To do this, you will need to encounter enough Wiglett to farm the amount of Candy required to trigger the evolution, so mass capturing Wiglett and then transferring them is likely your best chance.
At the time of their debut, Wiglett and Wugtrio, unfortunately, do not have shiny variants live in the game, meaning shiny hunters are out of luck until further notice when it comes to these Water Type Pokemon. Luckily, there are plenty of featured Pokemon with shiny variants who can be hunted during the Rediscover Kanto event, such as Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, who have all received increased chances of spawning a shiny encounter during this period.
Franchise Pokemon Platform(s) iOS , Android Released July 6, 2016 Publisher(s) Niantic Genre(s) Augmented Reality