Pokemon GO’s Rediscover Kanto event is allowing players to catch some featured Pokemon via biome spawns and some shiny boosted ones as well.
Pokemon GO is undergoing several changes with a series of updates arriving in the game, adding new features while revamping some of the existing ones at the same time. Players are also getting an opportunity to catch a number of exciting Pokemon from the Kanto region thanks to the Rediscover Kanto event.
As part of the celebration of its biome update, Niantic is organizing the Rediscover Kanto event between April 22, 2024, and May 9, 2024. Apart from participating in the special and field research, players can also take advantage of the new biomes to catch some Kantonian Pokemon with some of them being shiny boosted! Here are all the Pokemon with featured attacks, as well as biome spawns.
Rediscover Kanto Event: All Pokemon With Featured Attacks & Shiny Boosts
The Rediscover Kanto event is allowing players to catch all the iconic Kanto starters with a special featured attack. Do note that these bonuses only apply during the event. So, even if players catch a Pokemon during the event but evolve it after that, they will not get the featured attack. Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle will also be shiny boosted during the event.
Pokemon |
Special Attack |
How To Evolve |
Venusaur |
Evolve Ivysaur To Get Venusaur With Charged Attack Frenzy Plant |
Charizard |
Evolve Charmeleon To Get Charizard With Charged Attack Blast Burn |
Blastoise |
Evolve Wartortle To Get Blastoise With Charged Attack Hydro Cannon |
Rediscover Kanto: All Biome Spawns
While Pokemon fans might be well aware of biomes, with franchise games like Pokemon Scarlet & Violet featuring biomes in the past, this is a newly added feature in Pokemon GO. Biomes are basically a generic in-game representation of real-world surroundings. Players are more likely to find beach biomes and the respective spawns near oceans and seas, city biomes near urban areas, and so on. The emphasis is on the phrase "more likely," since it doesn't seem to be a strict rule as such. Players have reported finding ocean biomes in the middle of nowhere, so there is ample space for randomness. Nonetheless, here are all the biome spawns. in Pokemon GO.
Forest Biome Spawns
Pokemon |
Can It Be Shiny? |
Bulbasaur |
Yes |
Caterpie |
Yes |
Weedle |
Yes |
Oddish |
Yes |
Mountain Biome Spawns
Pokemon |
Can It Be Shiny? |
Sandshrew |
Yes |
Clefairy |
Yes |
Zubat |
Yes |
Diglett |
Yes |
Beach Biome Spawns
Pokemon |
Can It Be Shiny? |
Squirtle |
Yes |
Psyduck |
Yes |
Seel |
Yes |
Magikarp |
Yes |
City Biome Spawns
Pokemon |
Can It Be Shiny? |
Caterpie |
Yes |
Pidgey |
Yes |
Machop |
Yes |
Gastly |
Yes |
Franchise Pokemon Platform(s) iOS , Android Released July 6, 2016 Developer(s) Niantic , The Pokemon Company