Rotwood: Best Ways to Spend Corestones

Coresotnes limit how much new permanent items you return home with, so be sure to only get the ones you need and waste them.

Rotwood: Best Ways to Spend Corestones

In a lot of games, you have to live with the choices you make and are not able to take back those choices later. This can result in regret over having committed so much time and effort to a build that is ineffective. Rotwood is a roguelike dungeon crawler, which means it can avoid a lot of these issues by having the majority of builds created during Expeditions. However, there are a handful of important elements that set the foundation of your loadout at the start of each of these Expeditions. One of these elements is Corestones.

What To Buy First With Corestones

Rotwood: Best Ways to Spend Corestones

Players will get a few Corestones during their first expedition, and come to realize that they should not spend them meaninglessly. If you spread out spending them, you will not have enough to make a purchase that requires several, until you have done a few additional runs.

The first things you will want to spend your Corestones on are the other base weapons. There are three weapons besides the Hammer, including the Spear, the Strikers, and the Cannon. Each one has its own respective cost:

  • Spear: 5 Corestones
  • Strikers: 7 Corestones
  • Cannon: 9 Corestones

This comes to a total of 23 Corestones, and it takes a while to get your Corestones up to the double digits. The reason you should invest in these first is that with each weapon you unlock, you can start doing Masteries for it. Each Mastery you complete will give you more Corestones. Each weapon’s Mastery list will ultimately give you more Corestones than you used to buy the weapon itself, making this a worthwhile investment.

Lastly, this will help you understand how each weapon plays, and which types of weapons you should invest in when buying from Alphonse’s store. You will need a lot of Corestones to get more armor and weapons, so knowing which weapons to avoid will save you a large sum of them — especially when you're looking for a full set of heavier armor to defeat Owlitzer, the boss of the next location.

How To Farm Corestones In Rotwood

Rotwood: Best Ways to Spend Corestones

There are many ways to get Corestones, but it takes a while to amass them. You usually won't have enough to buy everything you want the first time you find Alphonse in each new location. Each time you go on a new run, apply as many of these practices as you can, to maximize how many Corestones you will return home with.

  • Know which Masteries you will be focusing on for the current run.
  • Before leaving a completed clearing, look at the compass on the left-hand side to see if any of the paths lead to a Corestone.
  • If no path leads to a Corestone, look for one that leads to Teffra. Alphonse’s store will have a Corestone for sale each time you visit his store during a run.

At the end of each run, you can return home and make some decorations. The first time you craft a new item to decorate, you will receive Corestones for crafting it. Some items are even worth more Corestones than you can get in a single run. If you find yourself struggling with a particular Mastery, switch over to a different weapon and see which ones will be easy Corestone earners.

Progressing to new areas is also advised. In the beginning, you will only get 1 Corestone as a clearing reward, while later locations can give even more.

Platform(s) PC Released April 24, 2024 Developer(s) Klei Entertainment Genre(s) Action , Dungeon Crawler

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