Rotwood: How To Change Armor & Weapons

Surviving in Rotwood requires sufficient equipment, but changing them isn’t the most straightforward process.

Rotwood: How To Change Armor & Weapons

Rotwood is a dungeon crawler game where players can experience different runs each time they enter the stage. Each run has its own route, random events, and, most importantly, random power. With a lot of skill and some luck, players can test how far they can go in the mysterious forest before they're forced to change into better equipment.

After obtaining better weapons and armor, though, players might find themselves wanting to change back to their older pieces. Sadly, changing weapons and armor in Rotwood is restricted to the current location, where players can only do it while they're in the base.

How To Change Armor In Rotwood


To change armor in Rotwood, you have to access the armory in the base. It’s located next to Berna, near the helicopter where you head out to explore. When you interact with it, a menu with three slots for armor appears, showcasing:

  • Helmet slot
  • Body slot
  • Legs slot

When pressing on their image, you can swap them with other items or take them off. Wearing armor is important to increase your chances of surviving the Rotwood since it grants your character some defensive stats. However, each piece of armor has a certain weight between light, medium, and heavy. The heavier your character is, the slower they are, making it more difficult to dodge.

To avoid falling for flashy heavy armors that grant tons of defensive stats, try to mix your set between light and heavy ones. There's a weight-meter on the bottom of the armor selection screen to assess your current weight. You can also try dodging to see how your movement and speed changes according to the burden of your armor.

You can’t change your armor in the middle of an exploration run in Rotwood. Instead, you have to wait until you return to the base to adjust your items. However, if you buy armor in the shop area during exploration, you can immediately equip the newly purchased item.

How To Change Weapons In Rotwood

Rotwood: How To Change Armor & Weapons

To change weapons in Rotwood, you have to first buy or acquire new weapons, then you can go to the weapon racks and interact with them. There are four weapons available at the base:

  • Hammer rack
  • Striker rack
  • Spear rack
  • Splinter Canon rack

Each one of the weapons has many different versions and each one has a different skill. You start with the standard skill that doesn’t do much, but later on, you can buy a very advanced skill that can be extremely useful in battle. For example, for the Striker weapon, you start with no skill at all, just a recall button. Later on, you can buy an advanced Striker that has the skill to heal your character for a certain amount of HP.

Just like armor, you can’t change your weapon during exploration, and you have to wait until you reach the base to change it. Of course, unless you purchased the item from the shop area, then you can equip it immediately.

Platform(s) PC Released April 24, 2024 Developer(s) Klei Entertainment Publisher(s) Klei Entertainment Genre(s) Action , Dungeon Crawler See at Steam

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