Rotwood: Owlitzer Boss Guide

Owlitzer is a boss in Rotwood that continuously forces players to take damage from the environment due to its windy ability.

Owlitzer is the final boss of Nocturne Grove in Rotwood. Nocturne Grove is the second exploration map that opens after completing the Great Rotwood Forest and defeating Mother Treek. While there, you’ll face off with many of Nocturne’s native rots like Rillo, Bulbin, Treek, Zucco, and Beets. So, exploring that area is important since their drops are important to upgrade some of your weapons and armor.

The first boss of Nocturne Grove before reaching Owlitzer is the Greater Gourdo. It’s actually two Greater Gourdo, which can be overwhelming, but not as hard to handle when compared to how players can beat Owlitzer in Rotwood.

How To Beat Owlitzer In Rotwood


To beat Owlitzer in Rotwood, you must protect yourself against its winds and avoid most attacks while looking for a window to hit. Owlitzer is a very aggressive Owl that will keep launching attacks repeatedly, so any window to hit it is very small, and finding that window is crucial to winning the boss battle.

Dashing is extremely important when fighting Owlitzer on lightweight since it’s attacking most of the time with quick hits. During combat, Owlitzer will fly away from the arena, marking your character to plunge after a short delay. When Owlitzer lands, it will become incapacitated for a few seconds. This is the biggest window to deal damage to Owlitzer.

There's an invisibility window when you dodge, so use it to avoid environmental damage from the purple spikes at the edge of the arena.

Owlitzer can also keep casting its wind attacks while throwing lines of bombs at you. It’s a very annoying attack that can be countered easily. Simply look for the gap and move towards it while dashing the entire time to avoid being swept away by Owlitzer’s fabulous wings. You can also use Striker to hit the bombs and detonate them, but you have to be able to keep calling your Strikers back while dashing non-stop.

Tips To Beat The Owlitzer

Rotwood: Owlitzer Boss Guide

You can synergize multiple Powers like getting Retaliation, Righteous Fury, and Cornered Coyote. Retaliation will deal damage back to Owlitzer when it attacks you, Righteous Fury will multiply the Retaliation damage, and Cornered Coyote will multiply that damage further when you reach a certain HP. Upgrading Retaliation and Righteous Fury is crucial to maximize the damage you deal back to Owlitzer.


Owlitzer launches many wind attacks that blow you away to the corner where the purple flowers will heavily damage you. To push through its wind attacks, you can get Gustree Greaves. It’s a heavy leg armor that grants its user a huge amount of Wind Resistance. Heavy armor also helps resist Owlitzer’s wind since it increases the wearer’s weight and equipping a heavy Helmet and Body will maximize your weight and make you sturdy against the boss’ winds.

To know if an armor is heavy, look for the H (heavy) next to the weight symbol in the armor’s description.

However, going in with heavyweight means you must sacrifice a large part of dodging gameplay, so make sure to choose this route only if it suits your playstyle.

Most weapons are good against Owlitzer, but Striker shines in this boss fight because it’s good offensively and defensively, especially since it's easier to hit the boss from afar compared to melee attacks, given its constant movement. Additionally, getting the Boomball version of Striker can be very useful since it’s a heavy weapon and can add more to the weight. Just remember that when going all out on weight, your movement and dashes will be heavily limited. In that case, picking defensive Powers that heal and shield you are a must to withstand Owlitzer’s attacks.

Platform(s) PC Released April 24, 2024 Developer(s) Klei Entertainment Publisher(s) Klei Entertainment Genre(s) Action , Dungeon Crawler See at Steam

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