Sand Land: How to Get Quartz

In Sand Land, Quartz has many important uses, such as upgrading your vehicles with EX Chip slots — so knowing how to obtain this item is key.

Sand Land: How to Get Quartz

In Sand Land, many different materials can be scavenged or purchased during your adventure as Beelzebub, with many of these items assisting the progression of your exploration and combat skills.

Among the various items in the game, Quartz is a material that can be acquired and used to unlock EX Chip slots for your vehicles. EX Chips are add-ons that provide useful passive abilities to vehicles, increasing their overall strength. For this reason, knowing the best methods for obtaining Quartz is important, and will come in handy during your playthrough.

How to Get Quartz in Sand Land

Sand Land: How to Get Quartz

In Sand Land, there are two primary methods that you can use to obtain Quartz. The first of these methods is by mining it in the wilderness, as Quartz is a potential drop from Ores that are found in walls or rocks around mountains, caves, and forest land. To mine from Ores, you will simply need to hit them with an attack of any kind — such as a melee strike from Beelzebub, a rocket from your tank, or even just nudging them while driving around.

Quartz can be identified quite easily, as it is a vibrant purple gem, helping it to stand out. This means that you should be able to keep an eye out for it as you dive into sandy wastelands and rocky caves or dungeons to mine as many Ores as possible. However, to make the most efficient use of other characters and streamline your mining process with the most efficiency, then it can also be a good idea to invest in Thief's Item Picker Skill, as this ability will automatically grab all nearby materials for you, saving you a fair bit of time and running around.

The second way in which you can obtain Quartz is by purchasing it from the Spino Town Trading Post. While this is the fastest method that can be used to obtain Quartz, it is also fairly restrictive, as it requires you to trade in an Ancient Copper Coin in exchange for 4x Quartz. As there are limited Ancient Copper Coins to be acquired in the game, it's best to save this method for when you're in dire need of Quartz, and instead aim to prioritize obtaining a bulk of your supply from Ores you encounter during your adventures.

Platform(s) PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released April 26, 2024 Developer(s) ILCA Publisher(s) Bandai Namco Entertainment Genre(s) Action RPG

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