Sand Land: Should You Take the Money From Hect?

If you’re wondering if you should accept Hect’s bribe in Sand Land, then here is all the information you’ll need to make your decision.

Sand Land: Should You Take the Money From Hect?

In Sand Land, there are plenty of additional adventures to be had through side quests, which enable you to earn materials, Zeni, and even some additional characters as permanent residents of Spino. Among the many side quests available in the game, there is the Vow of Family quest, where you will encounter a man known as Hect. During this encounter, Hect will offer to pay you off in exchange for a favor, so knowing if you should accept or deny this offer will come in handy.

Should You Take the Money From Hect in Sand Land? Explained

Sand Land: Should You Take the Money From Hect?

To initiate the Vow of Family quest in Sand Land, you will need to meet several prerequisites by completing a series of prior objectives. These objectives include both main quests and side quests and are listed below. Note that for the Vow of Family quest to become available, every single objective on this list must be completed first.

Main Quest

  • Headin' South!

Side Quest

  • Task From Mayor Tor
  • Desert Soldier
  • Lost Peddler
  • Suspicious Cave
  • Slacker Junker
  • Tinkerer Siblings

Once you have achieved all of these prerequisites, you will need to leave Spino once more and travel to Lisab's Junker Market. In the distance, you will be able to locate and speak to a girl named Reya. Upon speaking with her, she will get upset at you for making her break her vow, and explain how she longs for her missing father figure to return. As an apology for causing her to break her vow of silence, you will be tasked with heading into Mount Lisab Cave to attempt to track down this mysterious father figure, known as Hect.

Once you are inside the cave, you will simply need to break through a set of rocks that are blocking the cave entrance with the use of the Tank rockets. You will now find Hect inside, so go ahead and speak to him. Upon talking to the man, he will explain that he is not Reya's father, but rather someone she attached herself to. He is not going back to her, and Hect will then tell you to break this news to Reya and even offer you some Zeni to try and sweeten the deal.

Players who have reached this point may just be wondering if there are any consequences regarding this decision. As it turns out, this decision has no long-term effect on your game and does not affect the story no matter which option you decide to choose. The only effect this decision has on the game is which adult accompanies Reya to Spino and becomes a new resident alongside her.

If you accept Hect's offer, Reya will join Spino alongside a retired merchant, but if you decline his offer and progress further through Mount Lisab Cave, Reya will join Spino alongside Hect. For this reason, you should accept the money from Hect, as he will fork out a huge 10,000 Zeni. Furthermore, these characters don't offer a service or shop upon moving to Spino, only dialogue — so this only further implies that accepting Hect's offer is the most beneficial option for your playthrough.

Platform(s) PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released April 26, 2024 Developer(s) ILCA Genre(s) Action RPG

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