Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

Your first significant choice in Fallout 76 is picking between the Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller SPECIAL Loadout. Here’s what you need to know!

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

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When you create a new character in Fallout 76, you will be dropped into Vault 76 twenty-five years after the Great War. On the surface, the vault residents are leaving during Reclamation Day to repopulate the Earth after leaving. However, before you go, your Overseer contacts you and asks that you speak with the Responders regarding the nuclear weapons contained in Site Charlie, Site Bravo, and Site Alpha, still functioning nuclear missile silos.

Before you can leave Vault 76 to start the main quest, the game will give you an important choice before you can continue. This will dictate how you build your character during the beginning stages of the game. Here's a guide on whether you should pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76 and what the differences are.

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

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If you have previously played Fallout 76, have already completed the initial quests and starting areas, and are familiar with the game mechanics, then you should choose the Battle Ready option. This option is suitable for those who want to quickly start with a new character without repeating the introductory parts. However, select Fresh Dweller if you are new to Fallout 76 or the Fallout franchise. This option will allow you to learn how the game works before being exposed to more challenging areas, enemies, and quests. In addition, you will be able to start your character from scratch instead of having the game pick the first 20 perk cards for you.

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

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Once you have decided on either Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller, the game will prompt you to select a specific Perks loadout. These SPECIAL loadouts are pre-set character builds that will help you get started. For example, if you choose the Slugger SPECIAL loadout, you will have all the necessary Perks to make a character that specailizes in melee weapons. Once selected, you will leave Vault 76 and embark on your journey through Appalachia.

Should You Pick Battle Ready in Fallout 76?

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

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If you choose Battle Ready as your starting option in Fallout 76, the game will automatically boost you to level 20. Additionally, depending on your chosen SPECIAL loadout, the game automatically selects all Perk cards to match that build instead of having you pick them yourself. Battle Ready is a good option to quickly start playing with the most common Perk cards for your desired build. However, if you want to start fresh and create a new character with a specific build in mind, it's better to choose Fresh Dweller.

Should You Pick Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

Should You Pick Battle Ready or Fresh Dweller in Fallout 76?

Screenshot by GameRant

Alternatively, if you pick the Fresh Dweller path in Fallout 76, you will start the game at level 1. In addition, you will be given one Perk card based on the SEPCIAL loadout you chose. This is great if you want to start from scratch and pick your own Perk cards as you level instead of having the game pick them for you. If you don't like a specific build type, it won't be too detrimental to pick new Perk cards as you level to try a new one until you find one that fits your specific playstyle.


Franchise Fallout Platform(s) PC , PS4 , Xbox One Released November 14, 2018 Developer(s) Bethesda Publisher(s) Bethesda Genre(s) Action , RPG

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