Stardew Valley Player Shares Surprising Discovery About Flower Honey

A Stardew Valley player makes a discovery about how flower honey works in the game, and it could help fans to make money and save ruined batches.

Stardew Valley Player Shares Surprising Discovery About Flower Honey


  • Harvest flower honey for maximum profit by planting flowers nearby — determined at harvest time, not when bee house is set up.
  • Aesthetic players can still maximize profit by planting one valuable flower near bee hives before harvesting honey.
  • Despite Stardew Valley's age, new content and secrets are still being discovered by dedicated fans.

A Stardew Valley player has made a discovery about how flower honey works, and it could be quite useful for maximizing profit and fixing mistakes. The artisan good is one of many ways for players to make money on their Stardew Valley farms, but many likely didn't know about this little detail.

Stardew Valley's 1.6 update is still delighting players as fans discover new content and secrets in the title. Although the game is fairly old at this point, a constant stream of updates and bug fixes has ensured that fans have plenty to enjoy. While console players are still waiting for the 1.6 update, they don't need to worry about that to use this particular honey trick.

Stardew Valley player JohnBrownStan shared their discovery with fellow fans, highlighting a little known detail in exactly how Stardew Valley's flower honey works. Most players likely know that honey is made more valuable by growing certain flowers nearby. When a flower blooms near the honey, it changes from basic Wild Honey to a flower honey, like Fairy Rose Honey or Sunflower Honey. However, it turns out that when the player has a blooming flower doesn't matter, so long as it's blooming when they harvest the honey.

JohnBrownStan explained that they had planted Sunflowers and Poppies next to their Bee Houses. When it was time to harvest the honey, three of the bee houses produced Sunflower Honey, which is less valuable than Poppy Honey. However, when they restarted the game and picked the Sunflowers first, left the Poppies in place, and then harvested the honey, all of the honey in the bee houses transformed into Poppy Honey. It would seem that the game checks what flowers are nearby and determines which kind of Honey to produce based upon what's there when it's harvested, not when the season begins or the Bee Houses are put in place.

Harvesting Honey For Maximum Profit

This is an interesting trick that could be used on players' farms to make the most money possible. Players who plant flowers late or even those who want to go for a certain aesthetic can do so without sacrificing the quality of their honey. As long as a blooming flower is within a five tile radius from the Bee Houses, the honey produced will be determined by it. In theory, one could have a field full of Sunflowers, for example, with one Fairy Rose near the bee houses. When it's time to harvest the honey, simply pick all the nearby Sunflowers first, and then harvest the honey. In this case, the bee houses should only produce Fairy Rose Honey, the most valuable flower honey in Stardew Valley.

Platform(s) PC , Xbox One , Android , iOS , PS4 , Switch Released February 26, 2016 Developer(s) ConcernedApe Genre(s) RPG , Simulation Multiplayer Local Multiplayer , Online Multiplayer See at Playstation StoreSee at Amazon

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