Upon reaching the Wasteland in Stellar Blade, Eve won’t be able to activate any camps; here’s how to get them power.
Upon reaching the Wasteland in Stellar Blade, Eve will be able to put a coin in the vending machines in camps, but it won't power up. There is currently a power problem in the Wasteland, and no camps can be activated until the Solar Tower has been restored.
Upon addressing the problem, players will begin the "Reboot!" quest, with the goal being to activate the Solar Tower to restore power to all camps in the region. This should be one of the first things players do in the Wasteland, otherwise no camps or fast travel can be utilized, except for returning to Xion.
How To Complete Reboot! In Stellar Blade
Upon reaching the Wasteland and trying to activate a camp, Reboot! will begin and be marked on your map. The Solar Tower is located in the western section of the map, indicated by a yellow circle with a cross in it. Head to the Solar Tower and talk to the service drone near the door before heading inside and up the stairs. Eve's goal will be to parkour up the tower to reach the top and solve the issue with the tower.
Upon reaching the first platform on the outside of the tower, look on the other side of the railing to see a service drone with a platform on its head. Jumping on the drone will trigger it to rise up to the next platform. From there, climb the pipes above to reach the ladder above the next service drone, followed by another platform. This time, run past the service drone with the platform and instead to the far side of the landing, where orange-lit bars will indicate where to climb next.
Continue around the platform and onto the next few service drones, taking the ladder to the platform with the control panel. On this upper platform will be a drone with a target that can be hit to drop a rope. Shoot the drone but don't take the rope, instead walk past the control panel. The next jump may look daunting but can be easily done, with a stuck service drone being found at the top of the tower.
After freeing the service drone, return to the control panel to activate the tower and loot the chest, which includes the Camouflage-Type Exospine. Now take the rope down to the bottom of the tower and talk to the service drone to complete Reboot!, rewarding players with SP, 20 Micro Coils, 40 Micro Motors, and 80 Micro Drives. Every camp in the Wasteland can now be activated, and any that were activated before the tower was fixed will immediately come back online.
Platform(s) PS5 Released April 26, 2024 Developer(s) Shift Up Publisher(s) Sony Interactive Entertainment Genre(s) Action RPG