Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop’s Affinity (& What Does it Do)

Increasing affinity level with the available merchants will reward players with extra items in Stellar Blade.

After defeating Gigas and freeing Lilly from the drop pod in the Crater area, Adam will take everyone back to Xion to try and save the city in Stellar Blade. Once the meeting with the Orcal is done, Adam asks Eve to bring him some items and explore the city if she wishes.

While exploring Xion, players will encounter shop owners for the first time and learn all about the affinity system. It’s best not to ignore or underestimate this mechanic as you will gain more valuable items from increasing shop affinity in Stellar Blade.

How To Increase Shop’s Affinity In Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

Every shop owner in Stellar Blade has three levels of affinity, and it can be increased by purchasing items from their store. The amount of affinity increased depends on the price of the items purchased, so the more expensive an item is, the more affinity is earned.

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

Additionally, some shop owners have stories and quests of their own in Stellar Blade, and some of these quests will only be unlocked after reaching a certain affinity level. As a side note, the shop owners will also become friends with Eve and gradually start to greet her warmly and speak to her with a casual and much friendlier tone. That doesn’t necessarily affect the gameplay, but it does add a nice touch to the game.

Some shop owners, like Kasim, who runs the Gwen Hair Salon in Stellar Blade, don’t have an affinity system.

What Does High Affinity Do In Stellar Blade?

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

There are three levels of affinity, and you will naturally start at level one. Once you hit level two with any shop owner, new items will be added to their shop. The items added depend on the owner, as each store has its own additions, but they're mostly cosmetics. The same thing will happen when the shop owner hits affinity level three.

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

The R Shop and Lyle’s bookshop will add new outfits to their store in Stellar Blade. Other merchants, like the Sisters’ Junk, will introduce earrings. Keep in mind that cosmetics items are purchased using Vitcoin and not Gold, like other items.

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

There's also a robot in the Wasteland that goes by the name D1G-g2r that requires items like Coil and Motor to buy its stuff. The robot initially sells some materials as well as glasses, and more will be added after increasing its affinity level.

Platform(s) PS5 Released April 26, 2024 Developer(s) Shift Up Publisher(s) Sony Interactive Entertainment Genre(s) Action RPG

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