The Best CRADLECOFFIN Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

Piloting mechs is a key aspect of SynDuality: Echo of Ada, and players who have just joined the Drifter’s Support Association are likely wondering what kind of mech they should pilot. What gun shoots the best bullet? Is the gold CRADLECOFFIN better than the blue one? Just what exactly is a Bowie Rabbit? There are tons of options for a good CRADLECOFFIN building out there, but certain ones will do the job better than others.

The Best CRADLECOFFIN Builds for PvP in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Best CRADLECOFFIN Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

Best Models

For hunting other players, the best early models are the Tower and Chilipepper. These two models offer higher base defense against attacks from other Cradles, including Bandits and Parasitic Enders attached to a Cradle. Be mindful when engaging other players in active combat, as this can result in the Drifter’s Support Association expelling you from their ranks, which can offer its own benefits.

When using a full set of Tower or Chilipepper parts, they will offer a set bonus that boosts defense, HP, and weight limit higher than using a mixed set. So, if players want the highest bonuses, they should use a full set. However, mixing and matching parts can provide certain small benefits, such as higher weight limits and battery life. Keep in mind, though, that sacrificing the set bonuses can be detrimental depending on how the build can be geared.

Best Weapons

The best weapons against other players for sheer damage are Ballistic type weapons, which offer the highest overall damage and armor penetration. However, the main drawback with Ballistic type weapons is that they have damage fall-off after specific ranges, so shots will deal less damage if they exceed their maximum range.

The Bolt Sniper Rifle offers the highest single-shot damage overall, potentially able to down another player’s CRADLECOFFIN in 1–2 shots in the back. The Assault Rifle offers strong sustained damage, but can have lots of recoil, making it hard to control the aim. The Heavy Repeater offers the best sustained damage and longer range than the Assault Rifle, but it has incredibly strong recoil and can be hard to control with sustained fire.

The Best CRADLECOFFIN Builds for PvE in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Best CRADLECOFFIN Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

Best Models

Going up against Enders can be a tough job in SynDuality: Echo of Ada, especially when it comes to boss-type enemies, but there are certain CRADLECOFFIN models that can offer a helping hand. The Spider and Harness series offer higher defense against all Ender attacks, except incoming damage from Parasitic Enders occupying a CRADLECOFFIN of their own as they count as an enemy Cradle, but the set bonuses will do extra damage to the Ender itself.

Wearing a full set of Spider or Harness series parts will give a bonus to Ender defense, total HP, and a small kick up in weight limit. However, players want to mix and match parts for specific damage bonuses and perks on unique parts that may not be available on complete sets.

Best Weapons

For weapons, the Sniper HE has less overall damage than the Bolt Sniper, but offers way easier control over recoil and next to zero damage fall-off from long range and instead only becoming ineffective after its maximum range. The Assault Rifle LE offers excellent sustained damage and next to zero recoil, making it an excellent weapon in both close and mid-range encounters.

The HE Shotgun offers the best close-range damage, firing in a cone and having high damage per bullet that hits a target. If a player finds themselves in an area with tight corners and little range, this is the weapon to bring.

Platform(s) PC , PlayStation 5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released January 23, 2025 Developer(s) Game Studio Publisher(s) Bandai Namco Entertainment

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