The Best Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Magus is the number one partner for a Drifter in SynDuality: Echo of Ada. There are tons of options to customize and dress them up, but how well do they fare in battle? There are several types of Magus to choose from, but there are certain ones that do better than others. These are the best Magus builds to use in different situations in multiplayer battles.

Most Magus build archetypes have drawbacks or incentives, such as damage resistance, the ability to see Cradle stats, or being able to spot targets from further away. Figuring out which is the best Magus for a situation may take some experimentation and time, but at any time, players can purchase and use a Remake Ticket from the shop to change the Magus archetype to whatever they want. Remake Tickets can be purchased using SynCoins, which cost real money, or by earning a Remake Ticket through the Drifter Pass.

What Are the Different Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada?

The Best Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

Weather Gazer

The Weather Gazer type Magus has an extremely long detection range for both Enders and enemy Cradles, both NPC and players. Weather type Magus also have increased defense against Grenade type attacks, mostly from enemy Cradles. This archetype also has the unique ability to tell you the specific rarity of AO Crystals in the wild without having to use an Excavator on a crystal.

They also can cast a special bubble that is attached to the Cradle that will shield it temporarily from Rain damage. Rain in SynDuality: Echo of Ada is the damaging weather that degrades a Cradle’s Durability. If the gauge is completely depleted, the Cradle’s health will take direct damage.


A Defensive type Magus has a medium detection range for both Cradles and Enders, but not as far as a Weather type. Defense types also have a similar amount of damage reduction against Grenade type attacks as Weather types, but their biggest strength is that they can scan an enemy Cradle and tell the player the exact equipment and Magus type they are using.

The Defense type special ability creates a huge shield wall that spawns in front of the player for a significant width laterally. It is vulnerable to weapon fire and melee attacks, but it is incredibly durable. It makes for a good escape option, or can be used to prevent attackers from getting too close.

Cradle Support

The Best Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Cradle Support Magus also have a medium detection range for Cradles and Enders, but their strongest advantage is they can use a Repair Kit or Patch Kit faster than any other Magus type, making healing and repairs much faster than normal. They can also analyze and reveal an enemy Cradle’s equipment and Magus type on scan. The special ability is a stationary bubble that heals anything that stands in it, both player and enemy. So this special can have its drawbacks when used incorrectly.


Anti-Ender Magus have a very short detection range for both Ender and Cradle enemies, but they can show a precise amount of HP for any Ender type enemy, including a Parasitic Ender. They do not possess any kind of special damage reduction, but their special ability is a barrage of energy beams that can hurt any target, doing more damage to Enders.


Anti-Cradle Magus are similar to Anti-Ender types, but instead concentrate on combat against opposing Cradles. They show precise HP numbers of Cradle type enemies-both Bandits and players count in this case. Their special ability is a huge radius that’s placed on the ground that slows enemy Cradles to a crawl when they enter it, making them vulnerable to attacks from the rear or flanks. This ability makes for an excellent way to trap and surprise Cradles when they are not actively looking for any player.

The Best Magus Build for PvE in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Best Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

For PvE type players, mainly hunting Enders, the two best archetypes to pick are either the Weather Gazer or Cradle Support Magus. Either one of these will give you increased survivability overall, and allow you to stay out on an Expedition longer without running out of healing kits. The Weather Gazer type Magus especially shines here because of the longest detection ranges possible for enemies, so players are never caught off-guard in the wild.

The Best Magus Build for PvP in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

The Best Magus Builds in SynDuality: Echo of Ada

Drifters looking to get into scuffles with other Cradles may want to look at either the Cradle Support or Anti-Cradle types of Magus. The Support type’s healing bubble makes for excellent quick healing if there can be an opportunity to break the line of sight and hide, as the heals per second are incredibly strong.

For more aggressive play styles, the Anti-Coffin type Magus offers more options to set up encounters for surprise attacks that gain an upper hand at the start of a fight. Depending on play-styles and Cradle loadouts, the Anti-Cradle type can be an excellent partner.

Platform(s) PC , PlayStation 5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Released January 23, 2025 Developer(s) Game Studio Publisher(s) Bandai Namco Entertainment

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