The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

The Planet Crafter features five kinds of stellar quartz, and players can find most of them in the same locations.

The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

During most of the game's time in early access, The Planet Crafter featured a fictional mineral called pulsar quartz. This material was (and still is) essential for many late-game machines, including fusion generators and teleporters.

But as of the "Procedural Wrecks" update, the developers of The Planet Crafter added four new types of star-inspired quartz: blazar quartz, quasar quartz, magnetar quartz, and solar quartz. Each one is named after a kind of cosmic phenomenon, and you can find all of them on the planet if you know where to look.

Where To Find Every Quartz In The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

One of the first places you should look when you start to need quartz types beyond pulsar is in the Rainbow Caves at the north end of the map. You can find the west end of the caves in the Highlands biome to the northwest, and the east end connects to the Grasslands biome, which is north of the Dune Desert.

If you visit the Rainbow Caves early on in the game, they'll appear as ice-covered rocks. Unfortunately, this ice also blocks several cave entrances, and you'll have to wait until the Terraformation Index reaches 425 GTi before the ice starts melting. Before then, you can still enter the two pulsar quartz caves and one of the magnetar caves. By the time the ice melts, this area will feature a river running through a canyon and all kinds of plant life.

The Rainbow Caves live up to the name thanks to the many colors of quartz you can find inside. You also get an achievement for finding the caves and one more for mining your first solar quartz. Each quartz type comes in a different color:

Quartz Type


Pulsar Quartz


Blazar Quartz


Magnetar Quartz


Quasar Quartz


Solar Quartz


If you end up finding the rarer quartz types before the Fish or Amphibian Terraformation stages, be sure to store them in a safe place that's out of the way. You won't need any quartz types beyond pulsar before this point, but they become essential once you do.

How To Get Quartz In The Late Game Of The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

The Rainbow Caves have plenty of each type of quartz, but their supplies are limited. Unlike other basic materials, you can't generate more quartz with ore extractors. Even an Ore Extractor T3 inside the Rainbow Caves won't give you quartz.

Instead, the best way to gather more quartz is to check crates and safes after you reach the Fish or Amphibian stage of development. It's at this point that every quartz variety will start appearing as random loot.

If you want a consistent supply, you should create the Portal Generator (which unlocks at 250 GTi). This generator lets you explore distant, procedurally generated shipwrecks, giving you an infinite supply of new crates to open. You'll need quartz to open a portal, but you can find more quartz than you spend if you thoroughly explore each location.

How To Get Pulsar Quartz In The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

Along with the Rainbow Caves and endgame crates, all the usual ways of finding pulsar quartz still work:

  • Look for them in the black Meteor Field to the south, in the cave that connects Arches to the Meteor Crater, in the cave in the northeast depression south of the Gate Desert, and on the large pillar the Waterfall in the south descends from.
  • Wait for special purple meteors to drop around five to eight pieces.
  • Reach 175 GTi to unlock the pulsar quartz recipe and craft the mineral in the biolab.

How To Use Each Quartz In The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter: How to Find Every Quartz

Aside from opening portals, the five quartz types also feature in several of the top-grade crafting recipes in The Planet Crafter.

Quartz Type

Used For

Pulsar Quartz

  • Nuclear Fusion Generator
  • Teleporter
  • Genetic Extractor
  • Fusion Energy Cell
  • Extraction Platform

Blazar Quartz

  • Genetic Extractor
  • Genetic Synthesizer
  • Hologram Projector
  • Microchip — T3 Deconstruction
  • Microchip — T3 Blueprint Pinning
  • T6 Backpack
  • T4 Jetpack
  • Warden Key Detector
  • Extraction Platform

Magnetar Quartz

  • Genetic Synthesizer
  • Microchip — T3 Deconstruction
  • T6 Backpack
  • Warden Key Detector

Quasar Quartz

  • Genetic Synthesizer
  • Microchip — T3 Blueprint Pinning

Solar Quartz

  • Genetic Extractor
  • Light Box
  • Microchip — T3 Torch
  • Warden Key Detector
  • Extraction Platform

Platform(s) PC Released April 10, 2024 Developer(s) Miju Games Genre(s) Open-World , Survival

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