The Planet Crafter: How to Get Explosive Powder

Explosive powder is an important mid- to late-game item in the Planet Crafter to help you get the jet pack, the higher level heaters, and more.

The Planet Crafter: How to Get Explosive Powder

If you are looking to keep terraforming your new home planet in The Planet Crafter, you will need to collect and create a massive amount of materials. While many of these can be found out in the world, there are a whole bunch that require specific crafting machines.

One of the later-game items that can be difficult to figure out is something called Explosive Powder, which is needed for some upgrades as well as machines in The Planet Crafter. In order to get the recipe for this item, you will need to complete several steps first.

How to Get a Biolab in The Planet Crafter

Explosive powder is made by first building a Biolab, then using it to create the powder. In order to get the Biolab, you will need to reach a 835g Biomass in The Planet Crafter to unlock the recipe in the Q building menu. The biolab is rather large; you'll need to add four squares to your current setup. The recipe for the biolab is two Osmium, three Super Alloy, and one Aluminum.

You can find Aluminum in large quantities in a cave that is northwest of the starting location; it is a massive cave that looks like it is dripping lava. There are loads of Super Alloy in the rock maze north of the starting location on the second level of the rock towers. And Osmium will be found in the frozen-over cave to the west of your starting location that won't melt until you hit a certain level of atmosphere. Once you have gathered all the ingredients, you'll be able to craft this massive addition to your base.

The Planet Crafter: How to Get Explosive Powder

How to Make Explosive Powder in The Planet Crafter

After the biolab is built, head inside it, and look for the computer in the middle of the addition. Interact with the screen there to see all the things you can make with the biolab; explosive powder is the red bag-looking icon. You can also make fertilizer and biomass blobs in it as well.

The Planet Crafter: How to Get Explosive Powder

One bag of explosive powder costs one iridium and two sulfur in The Planet Crafter. Sulfur can be found on the other side of the Osmium cave written about above, and iridium can be found in the same cave as aluminum. When you have some in your inventory, you can make all sorts of recipes with this powder, including:

  • Heater T4
  • Heater T5
  • Nuclear Reactor T2
  • Shredder machine
  • DNA Manipulator
  • Agility Boots T3
  • Jetpack T3
  • Drone T2

Platform(s) PC Released April 10, 2024 Developer(s) Miju Games Publisher(s) Miju Games Genre(s) Open-World , Survival How Long To Beat 19 Hours

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