Type Soul: How to Get Schrift

Schrift is an exclusive combat ability of the Quincies faction in Type Soul. Here’s all you need to know to acquire it.

Type Soul: How to Get Schrift

The choice of faction in Type Soul completely determines your further gameplay. Each of them has unique abilities that can be unlocked by progressing. And if you chose the Quincies side, you should know how to get Schrift in Type Soul.

Schrift is an exclusive combat ability of the Quincies faction. It resembles a little Shinigami's Shikai but, of course, has completely different attacks. But to get it, you will have to hunt quite a lot.

How to Get Schrift in Type Soul

Type Soul: How to Get Schrift

The first and most basic requirement for obtaining Schrift in Type Soul is joining the Quincies faction. Then, you have to complete missions for exp until you reach Semi-Grade 1. Only after that, players can go to the Balance NPC to start getting Schrift in Type Soul.

You will find Balance on top of Wandenreich Castle. After talking with him, you will need to go to the statue near which you became a Quincy. Interact with it, and you will begin the main test for obtaining Schrift in Type Soul, namely hunting various enemies:

  • 3 Adjucha (players or NPCs)
  • 5 Soul Reapers (players only)
  • 15 Fishbone (players or NPCs)
  • 5 Menos (players or NPCs)
  • 5 Arrancar (players only)

Finding and defeating all these enemies is truly a challenging task. But this is not enough to prove your loyalty and strength to Yhwach. Therefore, you must do this without dying. If you are defeated, your victim count will be reset, and you have to start the hunt from scratch. It's important to note that, as always, Type Soul does not tell you the progress of the challenge. Instead, players must interact with the statue to find out how many enemies they still have to defeat.

When you finally complete this challenge, all you have to do is return to the statue. As a reward for defeating all targets, you will get the coveted Schrift in Type Soul. But it's important to note that this ability has different types, each of which offers a unique set of attacks. Unfortunately, you cannot affect which Schrift you will get since it is selected randomly out of the following options:

  • Miracle (Legendary)
  • Fear (Legendary)
  • Thunderbolt (Rare)
  • Wind (Common)
  • Heat (Common)

That's all you need to know about how to get Schrift in Type Soul. This is the Quincies' main weapon, so you'll want to unlock it as quickly as possible to progress.

Platform(s) PC , iOS , Android , Xbox One , PS4 Released September 1, 2006 Developer(s) Roblox Corporation Publisher(s) Roblox Corporation Genre(s) Game Creation System

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