An unfortunate Elden Ring player on PC dies in the most bizarre way, not because of skill or difficulty, but because of Microsoft.
- A Windows license prompt leads to a humorous death in Elden Ring, with the pop-up interrupting the player at a horrible time.
- Specifically, it happened during the boulder encounter at Raya Lucaria Academy, with the notification appearing during the player's run.
- With Elden Ring's fan base excited for the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, more fun clips are likely to appear online, as gamers will be replaying the title or going through it for the first time.
An ill-fated Elden Ring player was hilariously killed in the game due to a Windows license prompt. While Elden Ring is considered more affable than previous FromSoftware titles, sometimes it's neither the player nor the game, but the operating system to blame.
Even though it's two years old, Elden Ring's popularity has barely waned, and the game's upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has the fanbase pumped. Elden Ring was a new foray for FromSoftware as its first truly open-world game, but it still retained the hallmark Souls formula the studio is renowned for. Part of that formula is an excruciating difficulty setting that can't be changed, but in the case of one Elden Ring player, the reason for defeat has nothing to do with the difficulty, their skills, or even the game itself.
Reddit user Limonek121 recently posted a clip on the Elden Ring subreddit that showed how they were killed in the game because of an intrusive error message at the worst possible time. In the clip, the player climbs the steps of the Raya Lucaria Academy, dodging the infamous boulders that barrel down the staircase. After successfully avoiding the first boulder, the player was inches away from the top of the staircase when they were suddenly greeted with a Windows prompt requesting that they activate the operating system's license.
Too Late to Save Themselves From the Boulder
The prompt took up the entire screen, making the game unresponsive as another boulder was primed to be hurled down the staircase. Limonek121 d the pop-up as quickly as they could, but it was too late by then. As soon as the game's controls were restored, the boulder was released and the player could only look up in horror at their impending doom, right before the enormous rock fell right on them, flinging them sideways and killing them instantly. The commenters were especially empathetic towards the unfortunate player, but many credited Limonek121 for the humorous editing of the clip, as it ended right when the boulder heaved the character sideways. Some also shared their own frustrating experiences with Windows glitches intruding their Elden Ring playthrough and getting the players killed.
Pesky operating system prompts are annoying even while doing something as menial as web browsing, so it's hard to imagine the frustration Limonek121 must've felt when the pop-up obstructed them while playing Elden Ring, that too during a section that requires some concentration. Many Elden Ring players have fallen to the Raya Lucaria Academy boulders, but in this case, Limonek121 fell to Microsoft's relentless Windows activation requests.
Platform(s) PS5 , Xbox One , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC Released February 25, 2022 Developer(s) From Software Genre(s) RPG , Action