What are the Hardcore Mode Rewards in Fallout: New Vegas?

Hardcore Mode in Fallout: New Vegas is an incredibly difficult challenge. By completing the game in this mode, here’s what you can get.

What are the Hardcore Mode Rewards in Fallout: New Vegas?

In Fallout: New Vegas, players are given five different difficulty options, ranging from very easy to very hard, as well as a Hardcore Mode. This mode takes away a lot of features that make the game easier, such as ammunition now having weight, not being immediately healed from Stimpaks, and more.

Before you take on the challenge of Hardcore Mode, you might be wondering what rewards you can get from completing the game in this mode. In this guide, we will go over what comes with the mode, and what you can get by completing the whole game in it.

What Does Hardcore Mode Include in Fallout: New Vegas?


The purpose of Hardcore Mode in Fallout: New Vegas is to make the game much more realistic. With this, the following features will be present:

  • Hunger meter
  • Thirst meter
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Stimpaks and RadAway heal over time rather than instantly
  • Doctor's Bags only heal limbs partially
  • Companions can die
  • Ammo has weight
  • Fast Traveling will increase dehydration, starvation, and sleep deprivation

With all of these added features, Hardcore Mode can truly be a significant challenge, especially for players who are new to the Fallout world. With this in mind, there are those who prefer to play Hardcore Mode for the challenge, but some are looking for a reward. So, what does completing Hardcore Mode in Fallout: New Vegas give you?

Hardcore Mode Rewards in Fallout: New Vegas

What are the Hardcore Mode Rewards in Fallout: New Vegas?

First of all, when playing in Hardcore Mode, you'll only get the rewards if you play through the entire game in the mode. If you turn off the Hardcore setting, you can still switch back to Hardcore Mode, but you won't get any achievements or rewards. If you're able to successfully do this, here's everything you'll get:

  • "Hardcore" Achievement: Gained from completing the entire game in Hardcore Mode

And, unfortunately, that's about it. You'll only receive this trophy upon completing the entire game through Hardcore Mode, so most of the time, it's really suggested you play through this mode if you just prefer the challenge. Or, you just want some bragging rights. To ensure you get this achievement, make sure you choose Hardcore Mode just after leaving Doc Mitchell's house, and make sure not to change your difficulty settings from the options menu throughout the entire game.

Even though this is all you will get from Hardcore Mode, if you are a diehard fan of Fallout, playing in this mode can actually be incredibly fun, along with enhancing the game with mods.

Platform(s) PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC Released October 19, 2010 Developer(s) Obsidian Entertainment Genre(s) RPG

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