Discover the maximum level attainable in No Rest for the Wicked with this comprehensive guide.
No Rest for the Wicked is a role-playing game that efficiently combines all the classical RPG elements — like dynamic combat, character creation, and more — within a survival game framework. Even though the game is still in early access, players can explore many of its features and mechanics.
In this action-adventure survival role-playing game, prioritizing leveling up is crucial for unlocking your character's full potential. Even though the game is in early access, players may wonder how far they can level up. This guide is here to answer that question.
Max Level Cap In No Rest For The Wicked
In No Rest for the Wicked, the maximum level you can reach is 30 at the time of writing. Once you have reached this level, any further game progress will not grant you experience points. However, you can still upgrade your weapons and armor to take on further challenges.
While wearing equipment, beware of the ones that are marked . Even though these items can give you a competitive edge, there is a chance of losing a considerable number of your experience points when you wear them.
While the game does have a maximum level of 30, reaching this limit isn't as straightforward as it might seem, requiring extra effort and time. However, it's worth noting that reaching this level isn't necessary to beat the game.
In early access, players can usually finish the game around levels 17-18. The fact that level 21 items are rewarded from the endgame crucible suggests that there may be opportunities for level increases as the game develops further.
How To Level Up Efficiently In No Rest For The Wicked
Leveling up in No Rest for the Wicked works a lot like in other RPGs. It's pretty straightforward, and you can get through the main story pretty smoothly. Here are some activities to take part in to level up your character quickly in No Rest for the Wicked:
- Complete Quests
- Completing Challenges
- Take down enemies and bosses
Platform(s) PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S Developer(s) Moon Studios Publisher(s) Private Division Genre(s) Action RPG