Though most WoW SoD Zul’Farrak quests are open to both factions, there are a couple that are restricted to either the Horde or Alliance.
One of the most iconic dungeons in World of Warcraft Classic, Zul'Farrak returns in WoW SoD mostly the same as it was in the vanilla game. Members of both the Horde and Alliance have a lot of quests that involve Zul'Farrak, and it's worth hunting down each of these quests for both their XP (and boosted Gold rewards), and the Carrot on a Stick, which increases mount speed by 3%. Plus, it's a nice change of pace from grinding out Nightmare Incursions from 40 to 50.
A particularly notable new Zul'Farrak quest in the Season of Discovery is "The Wild Gods". By completing this quest, which involves Zul'Farrak as well as the Phase 3 lvl 50 dungeons Maraudon and Blackrock Depths, players can earn a Rune for their class and access a bunch of pre-BiS equipment.
This guide explains how to start all Zul'Farrak quests SoD has to offer, what quests are available to each faction, and what you can expect to get as a reward for completing each listed quest.
All Alliance Zul'Farrak Quests in SoD
Nekrum's Medallion
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40, must have completed previous quests in the quest chain starting with "Witherbark Cages" in the Hinterlands
- Quest Start Location: Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands – Thadius Grimshade
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP
All Horde Zul'Farrak Quests in SoD
The Spider God
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40, must have completed previous quests in the quest chain starting with "Venom Bottles" in the Hinterlands
- Quest Start Location: Sen'jin Village, Durotar – Master Gadrin
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP
Neutral Zul'Farrak SoD Quests For Both Factions
The Wild Gods
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40
- Quest Start Location: Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood – Shadowtooth Emissary
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP, A Rune for every class, ability to farm Wild Offerings for unique pre-BiS items, like the Breadth of the Beast Trinket and Band of the Wilds Ring
Troll Temper
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40
- Quest Start Location: Gadgetzan, Trenton Lighthammer (near Blacksmith area)
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP
Scarab Shells
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40
- Quest Start Location: Gadgetzan, Tanaris – Tran'rek
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP
Tiara of the Deep
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40
- Quest Start Location: Tabetha's Hut, Dustwallow Marsh – Tabetha
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP Spellshifter Rod OR Gemshale Pauldrons
Divino-matic Rod
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40
- Quest Start Location: Gadgetzan, Tanaris – Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP Mason's Fraternity Ring OR Engineer's Guild Headpiece
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40, requires at least one player in the party to have the Mallet of Zul'Farrak to spawn Gahz'rilla
- Quest Start Location: Mirage Raceway, The Shimmering Flats – Wizzle Brassbolts
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP, Carrot On A Stick
The Prophecy of Mosh'aru
- Quest Prerequisites: Level 40, must have completed previous quest steps in the "Screecher Spirits" quest chain
- Quest Start Location: Steemwheedle Port, Tanaris – Yeh'kinya
- Quest Rewards: Gold, XP
Franchise Warcraft Platform(s) PC Released November 23, 2004 Developer(s) Blizzard Genre(s) MMORPG Engine Unreal Engine ESRB T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)