There are five dungeons that players can use to level from 40 to 50 in WoW Classic, though there are technically better ways to get XP in SoD.
There have been a lot of revamps and new content added with the WoW Classic Season of Discovery, including lots of new ways to efficiently level up a new character. In addition to these new forms of content, though, players can also level up in more traditional ways – Incursions are great XP and gold for the item invested in them, but they offer very few BiS gear pieces, and can get extremely repetitive extremely quickly.
For a bit of a change of pace, and to get some pre-BiS gear, consider leveling from 40 to 50 in dungeons instead of Incursions. Leveling in dungeons is almost as fast as Incursions, they offer great upgrades, and some are even revamped in their own way for WoW SoD Phase 3 with higher-tier items, like Embrace of the Lycan, and even tie into other new SoD content, like the Wild Offering system.
Scarlet Cathedral or Uldaman
Recommended Levels: 38 to 42
Both Scarlet Cathedral and Uldaman serve as great dungeons to level from 40 to 50. Both have quests associated with them for extra XP, and both offer some decent pre-BiS options for a variety of classes, even at level 50. Ultimately, choosing whether to run Cathedral or Uldaman depends on which is easier for you to get to – or how tired you get of running the same place over and over.
Because Scarlet Cathedral is located in Tirisfal Glades, and Uldaman is located near the southern border of Loch Modan, SC is easier for the Horde to level in, and Ulda is easier for the Alliance. But because of the sheer number of summoners in SoD, it's often easiest to just pay for a portal or a summon to either location. Both SC and Ulda can be run until around level 42 until the XP rewards start to steeply drop off.
Notable Items In Scarlet Cathedral and Uldaman
- (SC) Triune Amulet
- (SC) Hand of Righteousness
- (SC) Aegis of the Scarlet Commander
- (Ulda) Monolithic Bow
- (Ulda) Pendulum of Doom
- (Ulda) Flameseer Mantle
Recommended Levels: 42 to 45
Once you hit Level 42, it's possible to start doing Zul'Farrak runs. Though it's better with higher-level characters, a well-organized party of level 42 players should have few problems getting to the end.
Zul'Farrak is one of three dungeons that players can target to farm Wild Offerings.
If you complete the Wild Offering quest before you begin grinding dungeons, you can start working towards your pre-BiS Wild Offering gear while leveling inside Zul'Farrak and will likely have few issues putting together a group.
To get to Zul'Farrak, head to the northwestern corner of Tanaris in Kalimdor, far to the west of Gadgetzan. Be sure to wander around Gadgetzan and pick up some Zul'farrak quests beforehand for optimal XP.
Notable Items In Zul'Farrak
- Embrace of the Lycan
- Jang'thraze the Protector
- Sang'thraze the Deflector
- Sul'Thraze the Lasher
- Carrot On A Stick (Gahz'rilla quest)
- Wild Offering
Recommended Levels: 45 to 48
At around Level 45/46, XP from Zul'Farrak starts to taper down. But at this point, you can head to the Maraudon dungeon in Desolace to continue leveling. Just like Zul'Farrak, you can farm Wild Offerings here, but most players will be skipping mobs and running to Princess Theradras as fast as possible.
If you want to level in the dungeon, you will have to take on both wings to complete all associated quests and get the most XP out of it. There are a lot of pre-BiS and straight up BiS items in Maraudon, and you are likely to find other players who are also looking for these items. And by completing the dungeon quests in here, you will get the Scepter of Celebras, which allows you to perform the Princess skip and makes it much easier to farm Wild Offerings later on.
The best way to get to Maraudon without Desolace FPs is either to head to Feralas and travel north, or go to the Stonetalon Mountains and travel south. Maraudon is located in the southwest of the zone, and you must ride past a few centaur camps in the mountains to get to the dungeon's labyrinthian entrance. Enter the cave, turn left, then right into a hole in the wall that leads downward to the instance entrances.
Notable Items In Maraudon
- Blade of Eternal Darkness
- Blackstone Ring
- Inventor's Focal Sword
- Rotgrip Mantle
- Thrash Blade
- Wild Offering
Blackrock Depths
Recommended Levels: 48 to 50
Blackrock Depths is the best place to level from around 48 to 50 because of the drops and XP available. Though many players will only be looking for groups for the Ring of Law boss encounter, which spawns the Delirious Ancient that yields a Wild Offering, the dungeon is home to plenty of items that many classes need for their pre-BiS and BiS lists.
The only area of Blackrock Depths that is available in SoD is the Detention Block, which is essentially the first third of the enormous, iconic Classic WoW dungeon. To get to the BRD entrance, head to the Searing Gorge and travel south to the entrance to Blackrock Mountain. Climb the chain that spans the lava below and walk across it to get to a central tower-like building. Go down the tower's interior until you get to another chain that connects to a lower level. Walk across this, then through the Quarry area, to eventually reach the instance portal.
Notable Items In Blackrock Depths
- Blackveil Cape
- Girdle of Beastial Fury
- Kentic Amice
- Ban'thok Sash
- Wild Offering
Franchise Warcraft Platform(s) PC Released November 23, 2004 Developer(s) Blizzard Genre(s) MMORPG Engine Unreal Engine ESRB T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)