Wuthering Waves: Changli Ascension Materials

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  • Changli Ascension Materials In Wuthering Waves
  • Changli Forte Materials In Wuthering Waves
  • Changli Skill Tree Materials In Wuthering Waves

Changli is the counselor to Jinshi in Wuthering Waves. She also mentors the Jinzhou Magistrate, making her one of Jinshi's most trusted pawns in the region's affairs.

She's known to be an excellent strategist and an ambitious woman. From the main quest in Wuthering Waves, players can also see that she truly cares for Jinshi beyond their role as students and teachers. For players who wish to have Changli as their own confidant, then it's important to collect Changli ascension and skill level-up materials so she can burn as bright as a phoenix.

The following article is early data based on leaks/datamined information. The live version may differ.

Changli Ascension Materials In Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: Changli Ascension Materials

Mt. Firmament was released on version 1.1, and in the area, players can find Pavo Plum, an ascension material in Wuthering Waves.


Shell Credit

Ascension Materials

Enemy Drop

Boss Drop



Crude Ring x4



Pavo Plum x4

Basic Ring x4

Rage Tacet Core x3



Pavo Plum x8

Basic Ring x8

Rage Tacet Core x6



Pavo Plum x12

Improved Ring x4

Rage Tacet Core x9



Pavo Plum x16

Improved Ring x8

Rage Tacet Core x12



Pavo Plum x20

Tailored Ring x4

Rage Tacet Core x16




  • Crude Ring x4
  • Basic Ring x12
  • Improved Ring x12
  • Tailored Ring x4

Rage Tacet Core x46

Changli Forte Materials In Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: Changli Ascension Materials

Similar to Jinhsi in Wuthering Waves, Changli skill level-up materials also need the Sentinel's Dagger.


Skill Materials

Enemy Drop

Weekly Boss

Total x1

  • Inert Metallic Drip x5
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x5
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x8
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x11
  • Crude Ring x5
  • Basic Ring x5
  • Improved Ring x5
  • Tailored Ring x9

Sentinel's Dagger x4

Total x2

  • Inert Metallic Drip x10
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x10
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x16
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x22
  • Crude Ring x10
  • Basic Ring x10
  • Improved Ring x10
  • Tailored Ring x18

Sentinel's Dagger x8

Total x3

  • Inert Metallic Drip x15
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x15
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x24
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x33
  • Crude Ring x15
  • Basic Ring x15
  • Improved Ring x15
  • Tailored Ring x27

Sentinel's Dagger x12

Total x4

  • Inert Metallic Drip x20
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x20
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x32
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x44
  • Crude Ring x20
  • Basic Ring x20
  • Improved Ring x20
  • Tailored Ring x36

Sentinel's Dagger x16

Total x5

  • Inert Metallic Drip x25
  • Reactive Metallic Drip x25
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x40
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x55
  • Crude Ring x25
  • Basic Ring x25
  • Improved Ring x25
  • Tailored Ring x45

Sentinel's Dagger x20

Changli Skill Tree Materials In Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: Changli Ascension Materials

Changli's Inherent Skill significantly boosts her personal damage, whereas her Outro Skill in Wuthering Waves increases the next character's Fusion DMG and Resonance Liberation DMG. Changli makes an excellent main DPS, but her Outro Skill can incredibly boost characters like Mortefi.

Shell Credit

Skill Materials

Enemy Drop

Weekly Boss Drop

Basic Attack Node


Polarized Metallic Drip x3

Improved Ring x3


Heterized Metallic Drip x3

Tailored Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1

Resonance Skill Node


Polarized Metallic Drip x3

Improved Ring x3


Heterized Metallic Drip x3

Tailored Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1

Forte Circuit Node (Inherent Skills)


Reactive Metallic Drip x3

Basic Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1


Polarized Metallic Drip x3

Improved Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1

Resonance Liberation Node


Polarized Metallic Drip x3

Improved Ring x3


Heterized Metallic Drip x3

Tailored Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1

Intro Skill Node


Polarized Metallic Drip x3

Improved Ring x3


Heterized Metallic Drip x3

Tailored Ring x3

Sentinel's Dagger x1



  • Reactive Metallic Drip x3
  • Polarized Metallic Drip x15
  • Heterized Metallic Drip x12
  • Basic Ring x3
  • Improved Ring x15
  • Tailored Ring x12

Sentinel's Dagger x6

Platform(s) Android , iOS , PC Released May 22, 2024 Developer(s) Kuro Games Publisher(s) Kuro Games Genre(s) Action RPG , Open-World

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