All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Find out about all the different kinds of Engines in A Dusty Trip, so that you use the best one to power up your vehicle.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Choosing the best Engines in A Dust Trip is of utmost importance, especially if you want your vehicle to run smoothly. This will directly help you while traveling and will also lessen the struggles you encounter on the road. This machine will convert fuel into energy which will power the wheels. As a result, players should focus on owning and using the most powerful ones. If you need help with this, refer to the list we have compiled of all the engines in this Roblox game.

Table of Contents

  • List of Engines in A Dusty Trip
    • Normal Engine
    • Carbureted Engine
    • Quadbike Engine
    • V8 engine
    • Golden Engine
    • Demonic Engine
    • Devil’s V8 Engine

List of Engines in A Dusty Trip

Players can go through our list of Engines in A Dusty Trip Roblox, to get a better understanding of these machines and their efficiency.

Also Read: All Controls in A Dusty Trip

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Normal Engine

The Normal Engine is one of the first engines you’ll encounter in the game. Although this starter engine will likely be useful during your initial travels, it is one of the least powerful engines in A Dusty Trip. This machine will run on Gas and its top speed is 80mph.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Carbureted Engine

Besides the Normal Engine, the Carbureted Engine is another starter/regular engine that you will come across. This too, is powered by Gas, however, its top speed is 110mph, which is considerably better as compared to the previous engine. Players will mostly be able to find this machine during the early stages of the game itself, and when they do, we recommend using this one instead of the first starter engine.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Quadbike Engine

Similar to the starter or regular engines, this machine also runs on Gas. Its Oil capacity is said to be 5L and is used to power the Quadbike in the game.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

V8 engine

The V8 Engine can be considered one of the best engines in the game, performance-wise. Its top speed is said to be 180mph and it runs on Diesel instead of Gas. This machine can be frequently found in sheds and garages. However, Diesel is slightly difficult to find, and that could be the only negative trait of this engine.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Golden Engine

Similar to the V8 Engine, the Golden Engine is also one of the most powerful engines in A Dusty Trip. This machine doesn’t consume Fuel or Water and doesn’t overhear either. Its top speed is said to be 240mph. However, to own this machine you will have to shell out 50 Robux coins to get it from the resupply crate.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Demonic Engine

Demonic Engine is another Gas-powered engine, that runs 123mph. Despite the fact that it is notably better than the regular engines, many players consider it to be non-efficient. Ironically, the machine can be found exclusively in Churches.

All Engines In A Dusty Trip Roblox

Devil’s V8 Engine

This engine won’t be available to you until you have crossed 15000m in the game. This machine’s top speed is considered to be better, as compared to the V8 Engine. Additionally, this one too runs on Diesel, which can be a task to find. However, along with the V8 Engine and the Golden Engine, Devil’s V8 is also one of the most efficient and powerful engines in A Dusty Trip.

We have covered everything you need to know about all the Engines in A Dusty Trip Roblox. To learn more about this game, make sure to check out our list of all Vehicles in the game and how you can fight and kill Mutants.

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