Does Fallout 76 Have Crossplay Between Steam And Microsoft?

Not sure if Fallout can be played between Steam and Microsoft (Game Pass) users? Here’s everything you need to know.

Does Fallout 76 Have Crossplay Between Steam And Microsoft?

Steam and Microsoft (Xbox Game Pass) are two of the most common platforms where you can play Fallout 76. Millions of players have purchased their copies on these platforms, wherein, you can find several mutuals. This is one of the major reasons why people wonder if Fallout 76 has Crossplay support between Steam and Microsoft. While I can certainly tell you that console players can’t play with PC players, there is some hope for players of similar devices.

Does Fallout 76 have Crossplay Support Between Steam & Microsoft?

Does Fallout 76 Have Crossplay Between Steam And Microsoft?

PC players can sigh in relief as Fallout 76 has crossplay support for players who are using Steam or Microsoft. Unfortunately, PlayStation and Xbox users can not play with PC players to maximize the fun. Moreover, there is also no Cross-gen support available in Fallout 76. That means a PS4 owner can not play this game with a PS5 owner.

One more thing, your saved in-game progression from Xbox to PC won’t carry over through Game Pass. You will be able to download the game legally but you will have to start an entirely new save.

Will Fallout 76 have Crossplay and Cross-gen Support in the Future?

This is a very tough question to answer. But I would say that you should not keep your hopes high. Back in 2018, developer Pete Hines clearly stated that Bethesda has no intentions to add a crossplay or cross-gen support for Fallout 76.

Plus, I don’t think that there’s any demand from the community that they want a Crossplay feature in Fallout 76. If the players wanted it badly, Bethesda would have added this feature years ago.

Now that you know that Fallout 76 can be played between Steam and Microsoft users, be sure to make the most out of this opportunity. For any information, you can check out our dedicated section for Fallout 76 on Guideer.

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