Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

Fisch players can now explore yet another update and this time it’s all about Atlantis! As you’d expect, there are quite a few new fishing rods added to the game along with a new bestiary. We will be covering all about this update, but in this guide, you’ll know exactly how to get the Depthseeker rod in Fisch.

How to Get Depthseeker Rod in Fisch

The bright blue Depthseeker rod can be purchased for 125,000C$ at the GPS location of -4465, -605.7, 1871.9 in Atlantis. If you haven’t unlocked this location yet, here’s how to reach it:

  • Complete the Atlantean Storm bestiary and talk to the Mysterious pirates near the Grand Reef location. You will receive some rewards and when you talk to the Pirate again, you will get a hint on how to open the door to Atlantis.

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Your objective now is to head to Forsaken Shores and pull 5 levers scattered across the island. We’ll be posting a guide with the GPS coordinates of the locations where you can pull them.
  • After doing that, head back to this cave and collect the TNT. This will help you break open the door that’s currently covered with rocks.

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Use Advanced Diving gear and swim downwards, going to this gate. Place the TNT at the interactable location and don’t forget to trigger the explosion here.

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Now, continue ahead and you will find Zeus’ Heart at this spot. Collect it and go back to Grand Reef.

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Stand at this location on the Grand Reef island and click on the Zeus Heart that you’ve equipped to your hand. You will be teleported to Atlantis.

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Now search for the Merchant’s shop and the Depthseeker Rod is kept right there, ready for purchase.

Depthseeker Rod Stats

Fisch Depthseeker Rod Location Guide

  • Lure Speed: 55%
  • Luck: 20%
  • Control: 0.17
  • Resilience: 25%
  • Max Kg: 50,000 Kg

While the lure speed and max kg stats are good, this rod suffers with luck and resilience. If you like these stats and have the C$, you can consider enchanting it to make it better.

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