Fisch Moosewood Bestiary Completion Guide

Fisch Moosewood Bestiary Completion Guide

Players trying to finish catching every fish at every location in Fisch need to know all about the Moosewood bestiary. There are 16 fish you can catch on this island as of now, including the pier and pond areas of the Moosewood Village. Note that some of these can also be caught from Earmark Island which is a small island near Moosewood. Take a look at the rarities, the best bait to use, preferred season, time, and weather.

Fisch Moosewood Bestiary Completion Guide

Also Read | How to Catch Great Hammerhead, Great White, Barbed and Whale Shark

How to Complete the Moosewood Bestiary in Fisch

Fisch Moosewood Bestiary Completion Guide

From the list below, you can find Goldfish, Carp, and Pike can be caught from the Moosewood pond. Make sure to use the Fish Radar to see the highlighted areas where you can specifically fish for them.

Moosewood Fish Rarity Best Bait Preferred Season

Preferred Time 

Preferred Weather 
Anchovy Common Any Day Clear Spring
Bream Common Worm Day Foggy Spring or Winter
Largemouth Bass Common Worm Any Rain Spring or Summer
Red Snapper Common Any Any Any Summer or Autumn
Sockeye Salmon Common Bagel Any Rain Autumn or Winter
Trout Common Insect Any Clear Any
Carp Uncommon Bagel Any Any Any
Goldfish Uncommon Flakes Day Clear Summer
Yellowfin Tuna Uncommon Any Any Any Summer
Eel Unusual Any Night Any Any
Flounder Unusual Squid Night Windy Any
Pike Unusual Insect Any Rain Autumn or Spring
Snook Unusual Shrimp Any Clear, Foggy Spring
Whiptail Catfish Legendary Seaweed Night Any Spring or Autumn
Whisker Bill Mythical Truffle Worm Any Any Any
Treble Bass Exotic Magnet Any Any Any

This was how to catch everything in Moosewood in Roblox Fisch and get one step closer to 100% completion. There are lots more hidden secrets in the game, and if you want to know more about unlocking a particular fishing rod, or getting rarer catches, be sure to explore our Fisch guides on Guideer.

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