How to Get Barbed Shark in Fisch

How to Get Barbed Shark in Fisch

Catching massive sharks in Fisch is always a good idea to earn XP and a lot of money and one such creature to get is the Barbed Shark. It’s a Legendary fish that is quite rare and can be found in a location that needs some prepping to visit. Here’s everything you need to know about it, including hte best bait, weather, season, time, and more.

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How to Catch Barbed Shark in Fisch

The Barbed Shark can be obtained from the Desolate Deep area in Fisch using the Fish Head bait during any time, weather, and season. The Fish Head is a Legendary bait that can be a random drop from bait crates, quality bait crates, and also by completing Angler NPC quests.

If you haven’t been to Desolate Deep yet, here’s how to make your way there:

  • Obtain the Basic Diving Gear: Purchase this item from the Shipwright on Moosewood Island for 3000 C$. This will allow you to breathe underwater without running out of air.
  • GPS Coordinates: Navigate to the coordinates of the red buoy (X: -791, Y: 142, Z: -3102) using your GPS.

How to Get Barbed Shark in Fisch

  • Dive into the Desolate Deep: Once you reach the buoy, equip your Diving Gear and jump into the water. Follow the underwater path until you see a giant hole at the bottom of the ocean. Swim through this hole to enter the Desolate Deep and turn right to get to Desolate Pocket. Look for the capture flags to know where other players managed to catch this Legendary.
  • Also, to make your journey easier, you can also purchase the Advanced Diving Gear at the red buoy located at the surface.

How to Get Barbed Shark in Fisch

When you hook a Barbed Shark, you will see a yellow exclamation mark which indicates a Legendary. Note that you get a -60% progress speed decrease while trying to reel it in. If there’s boosted fishing luck in your server, it gives you better chances as well.

Complete the fishing mini-game with a good rod and you will be able to earn 4000XP as a base amount. Upon selling this creature, you may earn about 8000C$. If you’re lucky or if there’s a mutation surge, you can also catch Barbed Sharks with Blighted, Electric, Big, Albino, Mosaic etc. mutations, which sell for a higher price.

The Barbed Shark can be a very challenging catch but mid game fishing rods like an enchanted Steady Rod, Arctic Rod, or better rods like the Rod of the Depths, and No Life will help you catch it without too much effort.

That’s everything about this fish, but if you want to know more like getting a particular fishing rod, find special baits, and get rare catches, be sure to explore our Fisch guides on Guideer.

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