How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

Here’s how you can produce Ale from Malt in Manor Lords and distribute it through Taverns.

How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

Just like in real life, a part of your population will achieve satiety after consuming Ale in Manor Lords. While you can purchase this malt beverage from Trading Post, producing it on your settlement will be far more beneficial. But like anything else, you will have to pass through several hoops before finally starting your own Ale Production.

Table of Contents

  • How to Ale Production in Manor Lords
    • Build a Farmhouse
    • Build Malthouse
    • Build Brewery Extension
    • Build Tavern

How to Ale Production in Manor Lords

As I said, making Ale isn’t a direct thing in Manor Lords. Instead, it goes through a series of tasks before finally being available at the Tavern. This includes building these structures in the following order:

  • Farmhouse
  • Malthouse
  • Brewery
  • Tavern

At first, this may sound like a lot to do. So for your convenience, we will explain it all down step-by-step below.

Build a Farmhouse

How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

To make Ale in Manor Lords, your first step is growing Barley on your farm. And for that, you will need a Farmhouse that can be built out of 3x Timber. Make sure that you are building the Farmhouse near a land that has the highest Barley Fertility. You can check the fertility of the land while plotting the Farm area.

Once you are ready, you can click on the field and select Barley as your crop. Then, assign a Family to the nearby Farmhouse so they can take care of the crops.

Build Malthouse

How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

After you start getting a steady supply of Barley, go to the Industry tab of the Build menu and craft a Malthouse from there. It will cost you around 4x Timber to build this structure. Also, make sure that the Malthouse is placed near the Barley Farm. This will help the workers at Malthouse to easily carry Barley and convert it into Malt. Don’t forget to assign people to the Malthouse before that.

Build Brewery Extension

How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

Now that you have Malt ready, you are only one step away from making Ale in Manor Lords. For that, you will need a Brewery Extension. It can be built on a Burgage Plot (level 2) after spending 5x Regional Wealth and 5x Planks. It should be noted that the Family living in the selected Burgage Plot will become Artisans after building the Brewery. This means they won’t be available for any other job in the future.

Build Tavern

How To Make Ale In Manor Lords – Answered

You now have everything but a place to distribute your Ale in Manor Lords. Without wasting any time, simply go to the Residential tab in the Build menu and build a Tavern for 5x Timber. Once the place is ready, you can assign a Family to it so they can serve Ale to the customers.

Note: Building a Tavern is one of the requirements for upgrading the Burgage Plot to level 3. Plus, you can also increase your Regional Wealth by exporting Ale to other territories. You will need a Trading Post for that.

Now that you know how to make Ale, ensure to make the most out of it. For more informative guides like this, feel free to check out our dedicated section for Manor Lords on Guideer.

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