Minecraft Kill Only Mobs Command Guide

Minecraft Kill Only Mobs Command Guide

Mobs can be a little annoying in Minecraft if you are looking for a specific playthrough that involves a lot of building, crafting, or other activities. Fortunately, the game allows you to eliminate these mobs without leaving the game. If you are looking for the command to kill all mobs in Minecraft, this guide is precisely what you need.

While there is a minor difference in the Java and Bedrock Editions commands, it’s not so problematic that you would have trouble. Since you are about to remove entities, you must ensure that you do it correctly, keeping one of the most important things in mind, not killing yourself. Removing them is the best way forward if you have been finding it difficult to deal with the mobs.

How to Kill All Mobs in Minecraft with Command

If you want to use the command to kill all mobs in Minecraft, you need to use /kill @e. The E means an entity, and it will kill almost every pet and player on the server. Since that is not what you intend to do, you can use exceptions to protect yourself and maybe a few pets.

For instance, if you are not looking to kill yourself, you need to type in the command /kill @e[type=!player]. This will kill every other entity except the player. Using the ‘!’ in the command means that the game has to kill every entity except that one. You can try the same with some pets that you like if you don’t want to see them gone.

Minecraft Kill Only Mobs Command Guide

Fortunately, removing mobs is quite simple, and players can easily master it in Minecraft. The most important part is to set a plan that helps you focus on which mobs you do not want to kill, which should be enough.

Now that you have the command killing all mobs in Minecraft should be easy. However, Minecraft can be quite confusing on occasion, and if you are finding it overwhelming, maybe our dedicated section can help you out with a few guides that you need.

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