Premium Overwatch 2 Skin Is Now Free Through Twitch Drops

This is your chance to get a free Premium Skin in Overwatch 2 before 21st April, 2024.

Premium Overwatch 2 Skin Is Now Free Through Twitch Drops

With the introduction of Season 10 in Overwatch 2, Blizzard has decided to reward players with free Twitch Drops. Yes, it’s that time of the year when Blizzard is celebrating their in-game events by partnering with Amazon. This isn’t their first time, as we have seen Twitch Drops like Legendary Kiriko Skin in the past. This time, they have handpicked Roadhog, as you can get free Roadhog Cyclops Legendary skin by watching Twitch Streams. Aside from this, there’s an exclusive Victory Pose and Highlight Intro included, too.

Overwatch 2’s Latest Roadhog Twitch Drops

Premium Overwatch 2 Skin Is Now Free Through Twitch Drops

Those who have linked their Blizzard account with Twitch can claim the latest Overwatch 2 Twitch Drops. All you have to do is watch an Overwatch 2 stream with “DropsEnabled” for 9 hours to get Roadhog Cyclops Legendary skin. You can also get a Roadhog’s Over the Shoulder victory pose by watching a stream for 5 hours. Last, watching an OW2 stream for 2 hours will net you a Roadhog’s Crushing Blow intro highlight.

Complete the 9-hour goal before 21 April 2024. After this period, the Legendary Roadhog Skin will disappear, and you will have to wait until it’s on offer again.

For those who don’t know, the Roadhog Cyclops Skin was available in Overwatch 2 Season 2. This season had a Greek theme, and characters like Roadhog, Reinhardt, Widowmaker, and Lucio were presented as Cyclops, Minotaur, Medusa, and Hermes, respectively.

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Anyway, this is your chance to claim Roadhog Cyclops Legendary Skin through Overwatch 2 Twitch Drops for free, right now. For more News-related content, feel free to browse through our website.

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