How to Get Rid of Creep in SteamWorld Build

How to Get Rid of Creep in SteamWorld Build

Are you wondering how to get rid of annoying creep in your mines in SteamWorld Build? Here’s what you need to know.

By the time you reach the second floor mine in SteamWorld Build, you’ll have new issues to contend with. You’ll encounter enemies for the first time, you’ll have new types of blocks to mine through, and – perhaps most annoyingly – you’ll get overrun with creep. But how do you get rid of creep in SteamWorld Build?

Starting from large flowers, creep looks like vines that covered the floor of your mines. If left unchecked, it’ll keep growing, blocking your access to valuable resources. Thankfully, you can get rid of it, and it’s easy to do: it involves modifying your Guards.

You can only get rid of creep in SteamWorld Build if you have a ‘Flamethrower’ modification item to use on your Guard Quarters. The good news is that you’ll find plenty of Guard items in chests dotted around the mines, so there’s a good change you’ll already have one of these by the time you need it.

To equip the modification item, select your Guard Quarters within your mine. If you’re playing with a controller, press square/X to enter the modification menu. Select the item called ‘Flamethrower’. That’s it! One of your Guards is now equipped to burn through creep and the flowers that create it.

You can equip multiple Flamethrower items at once if you have more than one. Doing so means you have more Guards who are equipped to deal with Creep. They’ll also use their flamethrowers to defeat regular enemies.

Click here for more Steamworld Build guides

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