AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

Here are some of the best Heroes to use for the Skyclops battle in the Dream Realm in AFK Journey.

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

The Dream Realm is an alternate battle mode in AFK Journey where you fight powerful bosses, testing the limits of your Heroes' strength. The boss you face rotates each day. Skyclops is a versatile boss that can swap between physical and magic resistance, making it challenging to come up with the right team for the job.

If you're looking for party compositions for beating Skyclops, you've come to the right place. Below, we'll take a look at the best Heroes to use when fighting this boss, why they're good and some substitutions if you don't have them.

How To Beat Skyclops In Dream Realm

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

Skyclops swaps between using physical and magic damage, while also gaining resistance to physical or magic damage, depending on which skill it uses. Skyclops will periodically summon either Wings of Light or Wings of Darkness.

When Wings of Light is active, Skyclops will resist physical damage , and when Wings of Darkness is active, it will resist magic damage .

Skyclops' Ultimate skill will have it sweep a laser across the arena, dealing massive damage.

Because Skyclops alternates between massive resistances to physical and magic damage, having a team that can deal True damage is extremely valuable. Additionally, you'll want to have someone who can consistently restore health, as well as a party member who can deal decent AoE damage to remove the Wings of Light or Darkness.

Overall, you'll want to have party members who can fill the following roles. In some cases, one character may be able to fill multiple roles.

  • Tank
  • Healer
  • Damage Carry
  • Buffer
  • Debuffer

Below, we'll go over some of the best options for each of these roles, as well as some substitutes if you don't have that particular Hero.

In general, the best Hero depends entirely on who you have available . Try the best you can with your current lineup!

Best Tanks For Skyclops

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

The best Tank for Skyclops is, by far, Smokey & Meerky. This duo doubles as a buffer and healer, making them extremely valuable. Running Smokey & Meerky allows you to clear up the buffer and healer positions for more damage, so long as their buffs and heals can keep your party alive.

Some good substitutes for the Tank role are:

  • Brutus
  • Kruger
  • Seth
  • Thoran
  • Lucius

Best Healers For Skyclops

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

As mentioned above, Smokey & Meerky provide the most consistent healing, as well as being able to buff and tank. The only downside to this Hero is the somewhat limited range of their buffs and heals, meaning the rest of your party will need to remain by to take full advantage of their effects.

Here are a few good options for healers if you don't have Smokey & Meerky.

  • Hewynn
  • Damian
  • Rowan
  • Koko

Best DPS For Skyclops

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

For Skyclops, and all Dream Realm bosses, for that matter, you'll want at least one high-damage single-target Hero that will provide the majority of your damage output. Depending on how many of your other Heroes are performing multiple roles, you will have free slots open on your team for more DPS Heroes.

This is the most flexible spot in your team, so the best option is often what you have available. That said, here are some standouts.

  • Odie — Deals poison damage, ignoring defenses.
  • Marilee — Deals True damage after unlocking EX Weapon.
  • Cecia — AoE damage for dealing with the Wings.
  • Korin — Extremely high damage with EX Weapon.

And here are a few more honorable mentions

  • Vala
  • Rhys
  • Cassadee
  • Scarlita
  • Temesia
  • Seth

Because Skyclops alternates between high physical defense and magic defense, bringing a DPS Hero that can deal True damage will let you mostly ignore this defense swapping mechanic, maintaining consistent damage throughout the fight.

Best Buffers For Skyclops

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

Having at least one buffer is very important for these types of fights. Buffs can be categorized into offensive and defensive. Ideally, you'll want to have a mix of the two, or focus more heavily on either offensive or defensive, depending on where your party may be lacking.

Once again, Smokey & Meerky proves to be invaluable, and is one of the strongest buffers in the game. Of course, there are a number of other very strong buffers you can use instead.

  • Lyca
  • Rowan
  • Cassadee
  • Damian
  • Shakir

Best Debuffers For Skyclops

AFK Journey: How To Defeat Skyclops

Just like buffs, debuffs play an important role in keeping your party alive while increasing the damage you deal to the boss. When considering damage-increasing debuffs, you'll want to make sure you use physical defense down debuffs if you're using mainly physical damage in your party, and so on.

Kruger and Reinier are two of the strongest debuffers in the game. Kruger can regularly inflict Physical Defense down, while Reinier will make the boss take more damage from all sources. If you don't have these characters, here are a few alternatives.

  • Thoran
  • Lyca
  • Koko
  • Eironn (for magic damage)
  • Brutus
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