Animal Crossing: New Horizons — Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

Learn how to get star fragments and turn them into unique DIY items in ACNH.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game full of mysteries to uncover as you play. Have you caught sight of a shooting star above your island yet? Those shooting stars will allow you to get Star Fragments, a unique resource for crafting furniture.

However, shooting stars don't appear above your island every night, so you might be wondering how you can get your hands on enough star fragments to make those coveted DIY recipes. In this guide, we're detailing everything you need to know in order to get star fragments for yourself.

Updated April 11, 2024 by Allyson Cochran: We've updated this guide and sprinkled in almost as many details as there are stars in the sky, ensuring you're equipped to navigate Meteor Showers and Fragment-finding with ease. You're now more ready than ever to go forth with your astronomical adventure.

How To Get Star Fragments

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

You'll get Star Fragments by wishing on shooting stars. After 7pm and before 4am on your island, any time of year, you may see a shooting star in the sky above you.

To help you notice them, they also make a light noise as they go.

Meteor Showers

Shooting stars come in the form of Meteor Showers. The sky must be clear and have very few clouds for this to trigger. These showers come in two varieties: light and heavy.

  • Heavy Showers: Announced by Isabelle in the morning news. These nights feature a significantly higher number of shooting stars.
  • Light Showers: Not announced, but can happen several times a week. They have fewer shooting stars, but are still a great chance to collect fragments.

Visiting A Friends Island

If you visit a friend's or online island, you can similarly wish on stars during their meteor shower like you would your own. The next morning on your own island, fragments you wished for from the meteor shower will appear on your island, not theirs.

How To Wish On A Shooting Star

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

To wish on the star, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you aren't holding anything in your hands. (Hit down on the d-pad to get rid of something quickly.)
  2. Look up at the sky by pushing up on the right joystick.
  3. Press "A"!

The shooting star will sparkle to indicate that you've wished on it, and make a little sound.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

You won't actually get your star fragment until the next day, unfortunately, so make sure to log back into the game.

The morning after you've made a wish on a shooting star, go check your beaches. Star fragments appear washed up on shore, just like shells or a Message in a Bottle.

If you made a lot of wishes and don't see very many Star Fragments on the beach, don't panic. They don't usually spawn all at once , and you can keep checking the beaches for them all day .

How Many Shooting Stars Can You Wish On In One Night?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

While shooting stars will continue to fall throughout the night and you can wish as many times as you like, there's a limit to the number of Star Fragments that you can get in one day.

If you're making wishes on your own, the limit is 20.

However, for every five wishes that another player makes on your island, you'll get another Star Fragment, up to a limit of 20. The players making wishes will get their own Star Fragments on their islands, too.

So, if you made 20 wishes and then other players on your island made 100 wishes, you could get up to a maximum of 40 Star Fragments the next morning!

Different Kinds Of Star Fragments

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

There are two basic kinds of Star Fragments that you can get all year long:

  • Star Fragment
  • Large Star Fragment

The regular ones are yellow, while the large ones are blue.

There is also a Star Fragment type for every Zodiac sign. They all have different colours, and you can only get them by wishing on a star during the associated time of the year.




Associated DIY Recipe

Aries Star Fragment

March 21 to April 19


Aries Rocking Chair

Taurus Star Fragment

April 20 to May 20

Dark Green

Taurus Bathtub

Gemini Star Fragment

May 21 to June 20

Dark Blue

Gemini t

Cancer Star Fragment

June 21 to July 22


Cancer Table

Leo Star Fragment

July 23 to August 22

Light Green

Leo Sculpture

Virgo Star Fragment

August 23 to September 22

Cool Purple

Virgo Harp

Libra Star Fragment

September 23 to October 22


Libra Scale

Scorpio Star Fragment

October 23 to November 21


Scoprio Lamp

Sagittarius Star Fragment

November 22 to December 21

Light Blue

Sagittarius Arrow

Capricorn Star Fragment

December 22 to January 19


Capricorn Ornament

Aquarius Star Fragment

January 20 to February 18

Warm Purple

Aquarius Urn

Pisces Star Fragment

February 19 to March 20


Pisces Lamp

There is an 80 percent chance for a regular yellow star fragment to spawn, a five percent chance for a large star fragment , and a 15 percent chance to spawn a zodiac star fragment .

Uses For Star Fragments

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Everything You Need To Know About Star Fragments

While Star Fragments can be a gorgeous decoration on their own, they're mainly used for crafting DIY Recipes.

These DIY Recipes in particular are special because you can only get them from Celeste.

Celeste is an owl (Blathers' sister) who has a chance of appearing on your island any time there are shooting stars.

When you talk to her, she will give you one of the recipes that you need Star Fragments for.

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