Here’s what you need to know to get started in Another Crab’s Treasure.
Another Crab’s Treasure is a game with adorable graphics, set underwater and featuring crab characters. In short, you could call it "Dark Souls but with crabs". The main character Kril is a peaceful hermit crab living on the shore.
However, his shell is taken from him due to the taxes demanded by the Duchess. This marks the beginning of the sweet protagonist's adventure. The game also beautifully portrays environmental pollution. Furthermore, the map is quite vast, offering you a long gameplay experience. Reading these beginner tips will be beneficial for you before accompanying Kril on his adventure.
Choose the Right Shell For Every Situation
The main theme of Kril's adventure is finding his shell. At the beginning of your journey, you won't have a shell for a while. However, before your battle with Nephro, you will put on a shell for the first time. As you've experienced, there are many shells in the game, and changing or equipping different shells is among the core mechanics of the game.
Since the game is of the souls-like genre, you will inevitably encounter challenging opponents and bosses. Therefore, it's crucial to embrace the shell mechanics. For example, if you find yourself struggling in a particular area or against a boss you can't defeat, trying again with different shells might improve your chances.
Exploring the surroundings to find out which shells are available will enhance your options.
Each shell has a different ability, and in addition, each one has different stats. This means that each shell has a different weight and defense levels. A heavy shell might restrict your movement and dodge abilities, while some shells may provide certain stat bonuses.
Therefore, if you encounter a difficult or unbeatable part, you can determine a shell that suits your playstyle and try again with it.
Additionally, you can maximize their efficiency by using shells effectively and then quickly switching to another nearby shell. For example, while Banana Peel may not be considered very effective as a shell, consuming it when your health is low to heal yourself. Then immediately equipping another shell, allows you to get the maximum benefit out of it.
When you arrive in New Carcinia, a vendor there provides insurance for your shells. This means that if you die without a shell, you will respawn with the shell you specified , giving you an advantage by starting each respawn with a suitable shell.
Equip Stowaways According To Your Playstyle
If you can manage stowaways well and find ones that suit you, they will propel you forward. These are mostly items that you can equip and unequip like trinkets. Throughout the game, you will inevitably obtain most of them through your exploration. However, exploring more will increase your chances of finding them.
Initially, you have three stowaway slots in total. You should equip ones that are suitable for your playstyle in these slots. Some of them have stat requirements. If there's a stowaway you want to equip, you should follow a path that matches its required stats as you level up.
Each stowaway will occupy a certain number of slots. So, the better ones will occupy more slots. Whenever you get the chance, increase your stowaway slots. This way, you can be more effective by equipping both better and more powerful ones.
Also, don't forget to constantly update your stowaways based on your build and your opponents.
Having Excessive Microplastics Isn't A Good Idea
Always check your microplastics count and remember how many microplastics you need to level up. Carrying an excessive amount of microplastics is never a good idea because if you die, you'll drop them. Furthermore, if you die again while trying to retrieve them, you'll lose dropped microplastics from the previous attempt.
Therefore, determine the amount required for leveling up or the amount you'll spend in shops beforehand, and act accordingly. For example, if your expenses will amount to 15,000 microplastics, spend them as soon as you reach that amount.
When you're to reaching your targeted amount of microplastics, it's a good idea to farm near a Moon Snail Shell. This way, once you reach your goal, you can quickly return to Moon Snail Shell to increase your stats or spend them at the shops in New Carcinia.
If you've reached your target microplastics but aren't to a Moon Snail Shell, you're in a risky situation. Since the maps are quite large, getting lost is very easy, and it's never a good idea to be lost while carrying large amounts of microplastics.
Don't Forget To Spend Your Purple Crystals
As you progress in the game, the only resource you accumulate isn't just microplastics; you can also gather and spend purple crystal clusters by destroying them.
At the beginning of the game, these accumulated crystals might seem meaningless to you. However, by talking to the Moon Snail after acquiring Umami Training and spending purple crystals, you can gain new skills. This allows you to be more effective in battle, such as being able to repair your shell or dodge in the air.
Make sure not to neglect destroying all the purple crystal clusters you encounter, even if it means deviating from your route to reach them.
Additionally, when using Shelleport with Moon Snail Shell, you can view the areas. The names of these areas show how many purple crystals there are and how many you have collected. If you are going back to a place you have been to before to gather purple crystals, try to revisit a place where you collected as few crystals as possible.
Unlike microplastics, purple crystals don't disappear when you die, but accumulating and not spending them can create a power gap between you and your enemies. Therefore, acquiring all the skills as soon as possible is a very good idea.
You Don't Have To Defeat Every Enemy
Avoiding unnecessary risks can sometimes be a good idea. Some enemies are tougher than others, and at this point, you need to calculate the risk. You can choose to avoid certain enemies to reach your goal or to return to the Moon Snail Shells.
The reason for this is that dealing with tough enemies can lead to your shell breaking, spending more Heartkelp Pold than necessary, and worst-case scenario, dying.
There are optional bosses in the game. For example, in The Sands Between, you can still proceed to other places without defeating Pagurus. You can challenge it again when you become strong enough. What determines your strength are your skills, the stowaways you equip, and your shell.
Furthermore, not every location where you engage in battle may be conducive to defeating every enemy in conventional ways. Sometimes, you can use the terrain to your advantage, throwing them into the depths of the ocean to instakill them.
You Can Learn Where To Go By Talking to Konche
The adorable character Kril is not alone in his adventure. When you arrive in New Carcinia and the treasure hunt begins, you may feel confused about where to go. This is because the map in the game is very large and complex.
Even though you may see the map on loading screens or view it from the menu, sometimes it can be difficult to figure out where to go because you can only see a portion of the area, and you can't view other parts of the map.
When you talk to Konche standing in front of the box that falls from above in New Carcinia, he will tell you where you need to go and show you the way. Even if you're not in New Carcinia, talking to Konche will always help you with directions.
Adapt To Difficulty Or Enable Assist Mode
Since the game you're playing is in the Soulslike genre, it's normal for it to be challenging. Therefore, you should first make sure to use all the features you have to the fullest extent. Make use of your shells, stowaways, the shops in New Carcinia, and ensure you effectively utilize Adaptations.
If there's a boss you can't defeat, consider farming microplastics in a good area to improve your stats. Additionally, revisit places you've previously visited to explore areas you haven't been to yet and collect purple crystals to unlock skills. If you still can't defeat bosses, analyze their patterns. Observe their deadly attacks and the openings they provide.
By consistently dealing damage to them and filling the yellow bar beneath the bosses, you can occasionally immobilize them by performing heavy attacks. This means that sometimes retreating can be a good strategy, while at other times, being offensive can also be beneficial.
Furthermore, whether the game is challenging or not is entirely up to you. When you enable assist mode in the settings, you can toggle settings such as pitfall damage and item loss. Additionally, if you simply want to finish the game without any difficulty, you can give Kril a gun from this assist mode screen. This way, you can kill all your opponents with a single shot.
Kril's Idle Animation Is Extremely Useful
It's not uncommon for characters to enter idle animations when left idle, but in Another Crab’s Treasure, this is extremely advantageous. You need to wait for about 50 seconds for Kril to enter idle animation. After this time has passed, when you look back at Kril, you'll see that he's twirling a green heart-shaped object in his hand.
This is the Heartkelp Pod, essentially a healing potion or, in Dark Souls terms, an Estus Flask. When you take control of Kril again after his idle animation, he'll panic and drop it. You can then pick up the Heartkelp Pod he dropped.
If your Heartkelp Pods are depleted, it makes sense to wait for a while to replenish them. Especially before boss battles , it's wise to enter the fight with maximum Heartkelp Pods . This increases your chances of survival.
If you're going to leave Kril in idle animation, make sure there are no pitfalls nearby so that the dropped Heartkelp Pod doesn't accidentally fall.