Learn how to save Findal in Baldur’s Gate 3!
The Druid Grove in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a treasure trove of missions, characters, and loot that is just waiting to be explored. However, there is a hidden layer to the Druid’s Grove; more than just Kagha’s secret vault. Below the grove itself is an Underground Passage that hides treasure and an ambush.
Behind two nearly hidden entrances lies an unconscious Findal, a druid of the grove, surrounded by a small troop of goblins, ready to question him for information. In a tunnel filled with traps and enemies, however, the question becomes: just what is the best way to save the poor halfling?
Where To Find Findal
Two entrances will lead to Findal’s location, and both are hidden stone doors that require a successful passive Perception Check to find. The first door is in the Druid Grove, below the location marked Makeshift Prison; by breaking down the shabby wooden door, hopping across some platforms, and dodging the exploding mushrooms, you will find the stone door (X: 204, Y: 600).
The second door is to the left of the entrance to the Druid Grove, hidden behind a wall of vines; this door is embedded into the cliffs (X: 173, Y: 426), and when you get enough a successful Survival Check reveals goblin tracks heading through the door; a warning of what is to come.
How To Get To Findal
Finding Findal is the easy part; getting to him is much more difficult. When you enter the Underground Passage, Perception Checks will happen to reveal the traps in the passage; tall, animal statues that launch explosive fireballs until disarmed.
Whether you succeed in the Perception Check or not, disarming the traps is easy if you know the right trick.
Disarming The Traps
Entering Turn-Based Mode is the key to deactivating the statues. One option is to enter Turn-Based Mode, then have one character run over to the glowing rune tablets nearby each statue, press it, and disarm the trap.
Another strategy, and perhaps the more efficient one, is to cast Mage Hand before entering Turn-Based Mode. You can then take over control of the hand and pilot it all across the passage, turning off all the statues in one fell swoop, so make sure to use its Fly ability to navigate over the mud and across the chasms.
Moving Mage Hand around the Underground Passage, even right beside the goblins, will not initiate combat.
There are three runes; one for the bear statue, one for the wolf statue, and one for the eagle statue. Disarming all of them before proceeding into the Underground Passage is the best strategy, as you won’t have to worry about the traps while exploring or fighting.
Fighting The Goblins
When you get enough to the goblins, Warrior Gresh will start a conversation before ordering his troops to attack. There is no way to avoid combat with the goblins, so you may as well get a sneak attack in beforehand to thin their numbers.
There are a few tricks for fighting these goblins; first, nearly the entire Underground Passage is made of mud, which counts as Difficult Terrain. To overcome this, make sure you utilize the Jump mechanic to increase your movement each round.
Second, using the Sleep spell will knock out most of the goblins, especially if you upcast it to 2nd level. Take care of Tracker Worm on top of the plateau, since she is difficult to reach, and while you are up there, you can also take advantage of the high ground.
Third, you can heal Findal while in combat, either by throwing a potion or using a spell. Once he is healed, he will fight on your side with Druid spells and cantrips, and will even heal your party if in range for Cure Wounds.
Speaking To Findal
To speak with Findal, he must be healed first. Once he is healed, he will express his gratitude towards the players, but he offers no reward.
The usual strategy of Long Resting to revive Unconscious characters does not work on Findal.
Speaking with Findal often ends up being a dead end, and the only information you will receive for talking to him is hints about a weapon that the goblins are searching for. If Findal dies, he can be spoken to via Speak With Dead, but he'll provide the same information.
The rewards for completing this mini-mission do not come from Findal himself, but the opportunity to explore the Underground Passage. On Findal’s body is a magic item called the Key of the Ancients, which bestows a +1 to all Nature checks while wearing it, also acting as a key to get into the Enclave Library via the secret entrance (X: -403, Y: -185).
To get the Key of the Ancients, you must either pickpocket Findal while he is unconscious or loot it off his corpse.
After making sure all of the traps are disarmed, you are free to explore the Underground Passage. On the “stone island” across the chasm you will find a dead body with some gold and a charred key (X: -456, Y: -185).
On top of the stone island is a dirt mound that can be revealed with a successful Survival Check (X: -447, Y: -176).
Hidden in a dark alcove in the Underground Passage is a locked and trapped chest (X: -419, Y: -204), and once it's disarmed, the chest can be opened with the charred key from the dead body on the stone island. Inside the chest are alchemy components and a magic item called Nature’s Snare.
Once you have gathered all your loot, you can use any one of the three stone doors to leave the Underground Passage and continue your exploration of the Emerald Environs!