Botany Manor: Chapter 2 — Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

You’ll finish this chapter in a flash.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Botany Manor, with its carefully crafted puzzles and charming graphics, is a game that leaves a lasting impression. In this adventure where you embody retired botanist, Arabella Green, your goal is to complete your herbarium, send it to the publisher, and get your book printed.

As the chapters progress, the number of plants you need to unravel the mysteries of increases, exposing you to more thought-provoking puzzles. The first chapter was a bit more tutorial-like, but in "Survivors of Adversity," the second chapter, you'll need to grow two plants: Ash Plume and Fulguria. Additionally, this time, you'll be inside the manor. If you're ready, let's begin!

Gather Clues For The Fulguria

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Chapter Two begins as you enter the interior of the manor and find yourself in the Main Hall. In this chapter, you'll need to grow two plants named Ash Plume and Fulguria. Head to the room located on the right side of the Main Hall.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Here, on the small table with a lamp, you'll find a seed package. That one belongs to Fulguria. Additionally, there are three photographs on the table: Blurry Photograph, Dark Photograph, and Well Lit Photograph.

Each of them has some notes related to the camera on the back. These photographs serve as clues, but since you don't have any information about the two plants yet, don't add them.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

If you climb the red-carpeted stairs in this section, you'll come across a large Library Hall door with a letter lock. Since you don't know the code yet, skip it for now. Open the wooden door to the left of this door and proceed.

You can't open the door in this area leading downstairs due to tree branches blocking it, so you can't do anything upstairs in this chapter because you can't open the two doors on that floor.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Go downstairs and return to the small table with the photographs. You'll see another wooden door to the left of the table. Open it and head to the Apothecary section. Here is a chemistry flask and chemicals you can add to it. But since there's no clue about them yet, use the wooden door on the right side of the room and go to the next room.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

This room is the Dining Room. You'll see a folklore book on the table on the left side of the fireplace. It describes rituals performed by ancient Celtic tribes. The leader of the tribe was searching for a flower to prove himself, named Fulguria. This flower blooms only during a thunderstorm.

It's considered a brave act to pick this flower amidst the lightning flashes. Thus, you've found your first clue about Fulguria. Place it in the section for that plant.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Then, use the door on the right side of the fireplace to enter the next room, the Drawing Room. The first thing you need to do in this room is to go to the table on the right side of the piano. You'll find the key to the Back Terrace on the tray on top of it.

The instrument resembling a piano in this room is actually a harpsichord. Playing it unlocks the achievement called Piano Woman.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Opposite this table, there's another workstation. On this table, you'll find a note from Farmer Charles. He writes about how the flashes from your house scared his cows, mistaking them for a storm. He mentions that this has affected milk production.

What the farmer says in the note is related to what's described in the folklore book. The book talks about the ritual of picking Fulguria during a thunderstorm, while the note mentions that the farmer's cows mistook the flashes as a storm. So, add this note to Fulguria's clues.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

This means that when a photo is taken in this room, light flashing occurs, and the farmer's cows are disturbed by them. Thus, the photographs you found in the room on the right side of the Main Hall are also a clue for Fulguria. Don't forget to add them.

Additionally, there's an old-style camera in the room. You can't use it at the moment.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

There's a saucer in front of the whiteboard opposite the camera. This means you should bring Fulguria here. Since it's opposite the camera, you need to learn how to use the camera to take its photo.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

In the middle of the room's seating area, there's a coffee table. On this table, there's a manual explaining how to take photos. However, if you look at the manual, you can't even perform the first step because you need flash power. Add this manual to Fulguria's clues as well.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Finally, return to the table with the farmer's note. There is a bottle on the left side of the note. This is a flash powder, but it's not an item you can carry. When you flip it over, there's a recipe for making your own flash powder. This bottle was the last clue you needed to find. Add it as well.

Grow The Fulguria

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Now that you've combined the clues, the only thing stopping you from taking a photo is the flash powder. But now that you know the recipe, you can return to the Apothecary and produce it there. For its recipe, you need potassium and magnesium.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Since the ratio is two to one, pour potassium twice and magnesium once into the flask. Then, take this mixture and pour it into the container next to the camera. Don't forget to the lid of the container. Now, when you press the red button, the camera will be able to take a photo, but you need to bring Fulguria here for that.

If you take a photo of any plant other than Fulguria, you unlock the 'Photographer' achievement . You can bring Windmill Wort from the first chapter here and use it for this purpose.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Return to the Main Hall and go to the room at the entrance of the Manor. There will be a seed table there. Add soil to the pot, plant the Fulguria seed, and water it. Then, take it to the front of the camera. After placing the pot on the saucer in front of the camera, all you need to do is press the red button. This way, Fulguria will bloom.

If you accidentally or intentionally mix the wrong chemicals for taking the photo and then try to take a photo by pouring them into the container, you can unlock the 'Boom' achievement . You can do this even after blooming the Fulguria.

Gather Clues For The Ash Plume

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

The next puzzle you need to solve belongs to Ash Plume. Additionally, since you've solved the mystery of Fulguria in this chapter, all the other clues you find in this chapter automatically belong to Ash Plume. First, return to the Main Hall. Enter the corridor to the left of the large tree in the room.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

On the left side of the corridor is a poster for the Dartmoor Line, listing the places it passes through. Add this to your clues. To the left of the poster is a kitchen door, but it's locked, so you won't be able to enter.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

To the right of the Dartmoor poster, there's a book titled 'Pyrophiles' on a table. It mentions how some plants have adapted to forest fires in places where they are frequent.

The book's facts section mentions that such plants have tough-shelled seeds, and some only bloom when enveloped in the smoke aromas of their natural habitats. This provides valuable clues about the Ash Plume. Don't forget to add this to your clues.

At the end of this corridor is a room called the Painting Room, which is also locked. At the end of the corridor is the Back Terrace door you have the key for. Open it and proceed. On the left, there's a white door that can only be opened from the other side.

As you go down the stairs a bit and turn left, you'll see a seed table. Since you don't have Ash Plume seeds yet, this won't be useful to you. There's also nothing related to Ash Plume on the white table with an umbrella in this area.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Go downstairs, and you'll see a white bench. On the table opposite it, you'll find the seed packet for Ash Plume. There's also a seed log on the table, indicating where the Ash Plume seeds were found: Wistman’s Wood. Add this to your clues. Additionally, one of the sights stops listed on the Dartmoor poster in the corridor was Wistman’s Wood.

Further ahead, there's a door leading to the Formal Garden, which is locked, so you can't go there. Go through the passage on the left. Down the stairs on your left, there's another locked door on the other side. Besides that, there's a notebook with non-clue notes about the kitchen.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

The only important thing in this area is the kitchen key inside the tray to the right of the notebook. Take it and open the door to the kitchen at the other end of the corridor.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

On the left side of the kitchen, there's a scale and weights, but they're not related to Ash Plume. On the left of the scale, there's a cupboard with a mysterious symbol on it. In short, this part of the kitchen is unrelated to Ash Plume.

There's a table in the kitchen with candles on it, and on the wall of that part, there's a religious blessing. It's not a clue like the others.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

There's a book titled 'Hazell’s Priceless Recipes' on the large kitchen table. It contains a recipe for roasted chestnuts. It mentions that because chestnuts have very hard shells, they can be cracked and eaten with the help of fire. It also suggests that a pan above the fire could help with this.

Chestnuts with hard shells are similar to Ash Plume in this respect, aren't they? Add this to your clues.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

To the right of the kitchen fire, enter through the wooden door. On the right side of this room, there's a framed poster with a poem on it. It provides information about Wistman’s Wood and the tree species found there. This tree species is Oak. Add this to your clues.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

There's a duck figurine on the left side of the poem. If you inspect it, you can unlock the achievement 'Quack Quack!' If you find all the ducks in the game, you'll unlock the achievement 'Quack Quack Quack Quack!'

Exit through the stairs in this room and open the wooden door. On your right, there are some logs divided by type.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

On the other side, there's a book that contains information on how to use the home smokery in this area. It mentions that if you burn different types of wood, you can obtain different smoke aromas. Add this to your clues; now you have every clue about Ash Plume. All you need to do now is to grow it.

Grow The Ash Plume

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Inside the smokery, above the hole with charcoal, there is a saucer. So, you should bring the Ash Plume pot here. First, return to the Main Hall. Take a pot from the seed table in the entrance area, add soil, and plant the Ash Plume seed.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Unlike other plants you've dealt with, Ash Plume is a pyrophile, so watering it won't cause the seed to sprout. Take the pot back to the kitchen. Apply the method related to chestnuts. Place the pot on the kitchen fire. This will crack the seed's hard shell and allow it to sprout.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Then, bring the pot to the smokery, placing it on the saucer there. You need to create a suitable smoke aroma for this seed. Remember, the poem mentioned Oak found in Wistman’s Wood, the location of this seed. Take an oak log from across the smokery hut.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Place the log into the hole inside the smokery with charcoal on top. This will grow the Ash Plume.

Afterward, you'll receive a gatehouse delivery notification. When you return to the gatehouse, you'll receive a letter from the ironmonger. A new key has been provided for the Orchard section.

Botany Manor: Chapter 2 - Survivors Of Adversity Walkthrough

Take the key from the tray. Go to the left side of the main fountain garden of the Manor. Use the key to open the Orchard gate. This will conclude Chapter Two, and then the next chapter, 'Peculiar Petals,' will begin.

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