Clash Royale: Star Points And Star Levels, Explained

In Clash Royale, you can get the chance to make your cards look different while not changing the gameplay mechanics with Star Points and Star Levels. Star Points are the virtual currency that is required to unlock a set of visual enhancements, such as golden glows, particle effects, and additional golden items on the card sprites during battles.

This system offers you the freedom to personalize your card collection with your achievements, rather than just rewarding your cards with superfluous and extra-exciting features. To help you understand this more, here is an in-depth explanation of Star Levels and Star Points.

What Do Star Levels Do

Clash Royale: Star Points And Star Levels, Explained

Star Levels in Clash Royale is a feature that is available just to make the cards look better without influencing the mechanics or statistics of the cards at all. Moreover, using this feature makes the visual display of such cards more powerful, both at the time of deployment and during the battle.

Cards from the Star Level exhibit a golden glow when deployed, which significantly distinguishes them from the previous edition in terms of visuals. When the number of Star Levels on the card rises, it takes on extra appeal arising from additional gold particle effects and gold bedecking of clothes, armor, weapons, or other thematic elements on the sprites.

You need to be at least King Level Nine to unlock the Star Levels in the game. After you are eligible for it, you can increase the aesthetics of your cards using Star Points step by step.

What Are Star Points

Clash Royale: Star Points And Star Levels, Explained

Star levels in Clash Royale can be unlocked using Star Points only, which are the only units of currency allowed for this purpose. You can earn Star Points by:

  • Collecting or buying max-level cards
  • Using trade tokens
  • Donating a card to your clan

A set number of Star Points are needed for each Star Level. The necessary Star Points for every Star Level are as follows:

Star Level

Star Points

Card Level










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