Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero — Gogeta Character Guide

    • Super Gogeta (Z) In Versus And Online Matches
    • Gogeta (Super) In Versus And Online Matches
    • Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan In Versus And Online Matches
    • Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan Blue In Versus And Online Matches
    • Gogeta (GT) Super Saiyan 4 In Versus And Online Matches

Gogeta, the fusion of Goku and Vegeta through the Fusion Dance, is a high-powered and dynamic character in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Known for his unparalleled speed, devastating attacks, and dazzling techniques, Gogeta excels at delivering explosive damage while maintaining fluid mobility.

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Whether you’re using his iconic Super Saiyan form, his Super Saiyan 4 form from GT, or his latest Blue rendition from the Broly movie, Gogeta’s versatility makes him a formidable choice for any player. In this guide, we’ll dive into Gogeta’s abilities, strengths, and strategies, helping you harness the full potential of this fusion warrior to dominate the battlefield in Sparking Zero.

Fusion Rules

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

All the different versions of Gogeta have one more health bar than most other characters, at least when picked directly from the roster. When fusing into Gogeta, you gain the remaining health of both characters up to four health bars, and if both characters are on the verge of death, the fusion only has half a health bar.

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When fusing into Gogeta from the Z or Super eras, you’ll need to have both Goku and Vegeta in your team (specifically the ones from the Buu Saga in the case of Z), and the character you are controlling needs to be in its base form. The other character, however, does not need to be in base form.

Gogeta from the GT era works a little differently, since you need both Goku and Vegeta to be in Super Saiyan 4 form. In terms of DP Battles, this makes it the most expensive Gogeta, with the Super Saiyan 4 characters costing eight DP each.

Super Gogeta (Z)

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

Move Name




Immovable Stance

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Gain defensive buffs and super armor for 10 seconds.

I’m The One Who Will Defeat You!

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Gain offensive buffs.

Big Bang Kamehameha

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does a bar and a half of damage when fully charged up.

Punisher Drive

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

4 Ki Bars

Triggers a Rush Super that does over a bar of damage.

Stardust Breaker

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Rush Ultimate that does two bars of damage.

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Super Gogeta (Z) In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

In terms of skills, this Gogeta can only buff itself, lacking some crucial tools that the other Gogetas have. However, he has no other forms to transform into, so it is a good idea to spend your Skill Count into Immovable Stance, since it will prevent your opponent from breaking your combo.

The key ability for this Gogeta is Punisher Drive, a Rush Super that does decent damage. It costs four Ki Bars, but for good reason: it doesn’t rush into your opponent, it rather teleports to it, meaning it has infinite range and comes out too fast for most players to react.

Gogeta (Super)

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

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Move Name




Wild Sense

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Dodge the next attack and counter it.

Here We Go!

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Enter Sparking Mode and gain offensive and defensive buffs.

Super Kamehameha

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does over a bar of damage when fully charged up.

Super Explosive Wave

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

4 Ki Bars

Huge area-of-effect explosive wave that deals a bar of damage.

Big Bang Kamehameha

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Beam Ultimate that does two bars of damage.

Gogeta (Super) In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

Even though this Gogeta has two other transformations, it is quite different from them. For starters, it has a Super Explosive Wave as one of its abilities, an expensive but effective way to deal with opponents rushing towards you.

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His other unique ability is the skill ‘Here We Go!’ which grants him instant access to Sparking Mode and several buffs. If you have the Skill Count to spare, it is a good idea to immediately transform after using this buff, since you’ll have access to far better Ultimates if you do so.

Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

Move Name




Instant Transmission

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Teleport behind your opponent.

Finish Sign

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Gain offensive buffs.

Super Kamehameha

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does over a bar of damage when fully charged up.

Rising Vortex

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Triggers a Rush Super that does over a bar of damage.

Stardust Fall

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Rush Ultimate that does two bars of damage.

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Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

The moveset of this Gogeta is rather straightforward, but the damage it deals significantly ramps up from its previous version. He also gains access to Instant Transmission, an effective skill when used sparingly, since it is easy to catch your opponent off guard with it.

Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan Blue

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

Move Name




Instant Transmission

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Teleport behind your opponent.

Stardust Barrier

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

1 Skill Count

Sends out an explosive wave that knocks enemies back.

Stardust Blaster

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does a bar of damage.

Meteor Explosion

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Triggers a Rush Super that does over a bar of damage.

Ultimate Kamehameha

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Beam Ultimate that does over two bars of damage.

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Gogeta (Super) Super Saiyan Blue In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

In theory, this should be the best Gogeta around, since it has the best stats, Instant Transmission, and a skill similar to Explosive Wave that only costs one Skill Count. However, that skill (Stardust Barrier) seems to be bugged, since it can’t be used when under attack, even though the description of the skill says you can.

Judging by the animation, it may not even behave like an Explosive Wave at all, with it not being bugged but rather having the wrong description. Gogeta makes a shield appear in front of him which repels attacks, but there are already ways to do that without spending the Skill Count.

Gogeta (GT) Super Saiyan 4

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

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Move Name




Wild Sense

R2/RT + Up on the D-Pad

2 Skill Count

Dodge the next attack and counter it.

Power Up To The Very Limit!

R2/RT + Left on the D-Pad

3 Skill Count

Enter Sparking Mode and gain offensive and defensive buffs.

Big Bang Kamehameha

R2/RT + Square/X

3 Ki Bars

Fires a Beam Super that does a bar and a half of damage when fully charged.

Ultimate Impact

R2/RT + Triangle/Y

3 Ki Bars

Triggers a Rush Super that does over a bar of damage.

Ultra Big Bang Kamehameha

R2/RT + Circle/B (when in Sparking Mode)

Full Ki Bar

Beam Ultimate that does over two bars of damage.

Gogeta (GT) Super Saiyan 4 In Versus And Online Matches

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - Gogeta Character Guide

The GT version of Gogeta has nothing to envy his Super counterpart, since he has it all in a single package, and it all works as intended. Granted, he lacks Instant Transmission, but he has easy access to Sparking Mode and a balanced moveset that, combined with his extra health and high stats, make him one of the strongest characters in Sparking Zero.

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