Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Is Finally Letting Gohan Transform Into Ultimate


The reveal trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Super: Super Hero DLC pack has confirmed that Ultimate Gohan is finally being implemented as a transformation and not a separate character.

Despite having a record-breaking number of fighters and covering pretty much every era of Dragon Ball, Sparking Zero’s roster does have a few issues and has seemingly become a bit stale for some players. One issue is how certain forms are either not in the game at all (I miss and love you, Super Saiyan Rage Trunks) or presented as a separate character that can’t be transformed into.

Goku’s Ultra Instinct Sign and Mastered forms instantly jump to mind, but perhaps the strangest example of this is with Ultimate Gohan. Even though he’s a transformation for Adult Gohan and is treated as such in most media, Sparking Zero follows on from Budokai Tenkaichi by making him a separate character that can’t be transformed into or out of.

Ultimate Gohan Is Finally A Transformation In Sparking Zero's DLC

This essentially means that anyone playing as Gohan can only go up to Super Saiyan 2, since Ultimate isn’t considered a form. That small annoyance that has bugged fans for more than a decade is finally going to be fixed thanks to Sparking Zero’s «Hero of Justice» DLC pack, which launches in a few days and includes characters from Super: Super Hero.

One of those (or rather, several of those) characters is Gohan, who comes with several transformations, such as Super Saiyan and even Beast. The most interesting of these, though, is his Ultimate transformation, which can be seen in the trailer and is clearly a part of the base character’s tool kit, meaning that players can finally transform all the way from base into Ultimate without needing a separate character slot.

It’s never been confirmed outright, but it seems that the reason Gohan couldn’t transform into his Ultimate form is because he has a completely different outfit on. It doesn’t make much sense for Gohan to be swapping clothes mid-match, after all.

Although I’m sure casual Dragon Ball fans are wondering what all the fuss is about, this is a very neat detail that not only matches the movie but fixes an issue that fans have had for a while. And yes, if you’re wondering, it does seem that Beast Gohan is considered a transformation as well, as we get to see the scene that happens when he shifts into the uber-powerful form.

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