Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

The beautiful Dragon Quest 3 Remake comes with all the charm of the original, plus a little bit extra all of its own. Many of the best mechanics of the old game make a return in this one, with some refinement in others and outright new mechanics thrown in for good measure.

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Combat has been shaken up quite a bit from the original, with a new vocation included that has unique abilities, alongside all the new abilities added to the old vocations. Some vocations have more combat utility and overall use than others, though none of them are entirely useless.

10 Gadabout

An Unreliable Investment

The Gadabout hangs around for one reason, and one reason only: to turn into a Sage. It’s the only class that can do so without the use of a Words Of Wisdom book, and so the only way to consistently produce Sages is once the Gadabout reaches level 20.

But getting that Gadabout to level 20 can be an interesting endeavor, because the Gadabout does not always do what you instruct it to do. Sometimes, the Gadabout has its own agenda, and while that agenda doesn’t always hurt your lineup, it almost never helps it, either.

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9 Merchant

Gaining Extra Gold

The Merchant does not have any discernible combat talent, at least none that other classes don’t do better. They can hold their own, and they aren’t a detriment, but they are going to be carried through the more difficult encounters.

What the Merchant does is gain you extra gold at the end of every battle. This adds up over time, and eventually, you’re going to have much heavier coffers for bringing the Merchant along compared to if you hadn’t.

8 Thief

Sticky Fingers

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The Thief has more combat utility than the Merchant, and has some unique things that they bring to the table. But overall, they’re also lacking a little bit in the combat department, compared to many other classes.

But, like the Merchant, the Thief has a bonus at the end of a battle. While it doesn’t happen every fight, the Thief will occasionally grab you an extra item at the end of combat, which can make a meaningful difference, especially over time.

7 Mage

Exploiting Weaknesses

The Mage is a difficult vocation to rank, because they can be wildly effective. But they very much solve every problem in exactly the same way, and if they run into any issues with their Mana, they’re going to be next to helpless.

In the right situation and with their Mana well cared for, the Mage can deal incredible damage. They can tailor their spellcasting to exploit monsters’ weaknesses, dealing heavy damage with every attack.

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6 Monster Wrangler


The Monster Wrangler is a new addition to Dragon Quest 3 Remake, and they are one of the most versatile vocations in the game. They’re capable of filling multiple roles, which is something that cannot be said for most other vocations.

The Monster Wrangler can act as a secondary healer, a single-target damage dealer, or a multi-target damage dealer, all in one. Consistently filling this role is going to require focusing on improving their maximum Mana, but they can bring a tremendous amount of value to the lineup.

5 Warrior

Taking One For The Team

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The Warrior can bring a couple of different things to the table and can do so without using an extraordinary amount of Mana. The Warrior is capable of dealing a meaningful amount of single-target damage with normal attacks when extra defense isn’t needed.

But when a party member needs assistance, the Warrior can step in and tank damage for them, ensuring they live until they’re healed. The Warrior has enough health to take multiple shots that would be another character into serious jeopardy, and in a wipe, is often the last character standing.

4 Martial Artist

Endless Critical Damage

The Martial Artist is going to be a very frustrating character to use in the early levels, as they are fairly weak for quite a while. But once they’ve leveled up quite a few times and have some proper gear and abilities, that changes dramatically.

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The Martial Artist can deal critical hits with attacks more consistently than any other vocation, allowing them to deal outrageous damage in the blink of an eye. And, their weaponry is separate from other characters, ensuring you don’t have to make tough choices when equipping them in your lineup.

3 Priest

The Lifesaver

The Priest is the most straightforward support-class in the game, with nearly all of their most important spells suited for healing allies, supporting allies, or debuffing enemies. With enough Mana, they are going to be invaluable to the party.

Including a Priest in the lineup does mean that one member of the party likely isn’t dealing damage on most turns, but their ability to keep every party member on their feet and working to the best of their ability more than makes up for it.

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2 Sage

The Best Of Both

A Sage is, in essence, a combination Mage and Priest. This means they get all the weakness-exploiting spells that the Mage makes use of and all the support-oriented spells that make the Priest so valuable.

This makes the Sage one of the most useful characters in the game. They’re also the only vocation that can’t outright be created; to make a Sage, you’ll either need to get a Gadabout to level 20 or use a Words Of Wisdom book at the Alltrades Abbey.

1 Hero

The One And Only

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The Hero is the only vocation that is going to be included in each and every lineup; after all, they’re the main character. The Hero has the widest selection of abilities and spells available of any class, save maybe the Sage.

This allows the Hero to fill in either a single-target damage, multi-target damage, or support-type role. They can tailor their damage to suit whatever situation arises, and while they might not be quite as great in a support role as a Priest or Sage, they can get the job done in all but the toughest fights.

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: All Vocations, Ranked

OpenCritic Reviews Top Critic Rating:85/100 Critics Recommend:93% Franchise Dragon Quest Platform(s) PlayStation 5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Nintendo Switch , PC Released November 14, 2024 Developer(s) Square Enix , Artdink Publisher(s) Square Enix Engine Unreal Engine 4 ESRB E10+ For Everyone 10+ Due To Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes Steam Deck Compatibility Verified OpenCritic Rating Mighty PC Release Date November 14, 2024 PS5 Release Date November 14, 2024 Xbox Series X|S Release Date November 14, 2024 Nintendo Switch Release Date November 14, 2024 Expand See at Official Site

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