Dragon’s Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of every monster and creature you can find in DD2 and what items they can drop when defeated.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Like most RPGs, you'll be fighting a variety of enemies in Dragon's Dogma 2. They'll usually need to be defeated if they get in your way or as part of a quest, and you'll need their materials if you want to enhance your equipment fully.

Some enemies, like Goblins and Wolves, are pretty common, and you'll pretty much find them all over the world – sometimes more than you'd like. WIth others, they're meant as challenges, and you'll only find them in specific locations. If you're looking for a specific monster or material, we'll show you a place to find it.

Every Monster And What They Drop

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Almost every monster in Dragon's Dogma 2 hasat least one unique material they can drop, and in some cases, you can get around two to three potential drops from a monster.

Some special monsters can drop pieces of equipment, such as Skeleton Lord Ja'Nuwa, Lichs, and Wights.

Most monsters can be found at any time, but others can only be found once you've reachedthe Unmoored World by way of activating the True Ending, and many more difficult monsters can be found randomly on the roads while you travel.


Possible Item Drops

General Spawn Locations

Specific Spawn Locations


Asp Toxicscale


Along most of the rivers of Battahl

Waterfall Cave

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Freakish Mane

Monster Fang

Tiger Eye

Beast Steak

Aged-Beast Steak

Mountain Ruins (Malachite Forest)

Guerco Cavern

Cliffside Cave (During A Poisonous Proposal )

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Chopper Horn

Hiding in the grass in Vermund

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Rugged Bone

Misshapen Eye

Aged Scrag of Beast

Aged-Beast Steak

In the forests of western and eastern Vermund

Ancient Battleground (at the top of the castle)

Near the entrance to Drabnir's Grotto

Drabnir's Grotto

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Dragon Scale

Wyrmslife Crystal

Ancient Battlegrounds

Outside Harve Village

South of Malachite Forest along the shore.

Near the Reverent Shrine.

Sleeping near the Bridge of Theodracus the Second.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Cursed Dullahan Bone

Illdoers' Resting Place

Randomly on the roads in Battahl and Vermund in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Monster Fang

Sinister Fang

Beast Steak

Aged-Beast Steak

Savagery Extract

Rocky Lair

Sal'Battahl Cavern

Canyon Cave

Inside the tunnel near the Debris-Strewn Coast.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Magick Medal (From blue-medal Golems )

Electrum (From purple- medal Golems )

Dappled Ore

Arboreal Ruins

Crumbling Ruins

Worldsend Cavern

North of the Tomb of Renu'Lebarr

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Goblin Horn

Along the roads and in the forests of Vermund.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Black Freakish Mane

Monster Fang

Waterfall Cave

Along the roads and in the forests of Vermund in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Gore Harpy

Twisted Pinion

Along the cliffs and roads near the Ancient Battle Ground and Checkpoint Rest Town.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Blackened Horn

Monster Hide

Aged-Beast Steak

Savagery Extract

Tiger Eye

Digger's Ruins

Sandspire Den

Inside the tunnel near the Debris-Strewn Coast.

Randomly along the roads in Battahl in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Griffon Pinion

Great Griffin Claw

Gold Ore

Tiger Eye


Forest Griffin Nest (Misty Marshes)

Drabnir's Grotto Nest

Arboreal Ruins Nest

Palace Cape Overlook Nest

Roads of Vermund if attracted by corpses.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Grim Ogre

Ogre Talon

Beast Steak

Aged-Beast Steak

On the river near the Rocky Lair.

On the roads of Battahl and southern Vermund in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Harpy Pinion

Along the cliffs and in the forests of Vermund.

In the forests and on the roads outside Melve.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Slate-Colored Horn

Along the roads of Battahl.

Howling Cave

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Knacker Horn

Along the roads of Battahl.

Drabnir's Grotto

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Leapworm Skin

In water pools inside caves in Vermund.

Near the shore inside Rivage Cavern.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Lesser Dragon

Dragon Scale

Wyrmslife Crystal

Dragonsbreath Tower

West of Bakbattahl in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Wailing Crystal

Enigmatic Robe

Tomb of Al'Guttos

Randomly on the roads of Battahl in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Magma Scale


Mountain Base Cave

In the volcanic areas near the Excavation Site.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Granite Medusa Bone

Medusa Head (If cut off with slicing weapons before it's lost a full bar of health.)

Medusan Spellbow

Nera'Battahl Windrift

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Minotaur Horn

Monster Hide

Beast Steak

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Ogre Spur

Beast Steak

Aged-Beast Steak

Ancestral Chamber

Malachite Forest

Rivage Cavern

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Oily Slime

Inside caves in Battahl.

Along the roads of southern Battahl.

Holy Mausoleum Ruins

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters



Along the roads of Battahl at night.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters



Along the roads and in the forests of Vermund at night.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Wyrmslife Crystal

Flamebearer Palace in the Unmoored World.

Southern Ruins in the Unmoored World.

Sacred Arbor in the Unmoored World.

Volcanic Island Camp in the Unmoored World.

Excavation Site in the Unmoored World.

Seafloor Shrine (after the other five are gone) in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Rattler Rockscale

In the mountain cave west of Checkpoint Rest Town.

Outside the Windsworn Gully cave.

Drabnir's Grotto

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Redwolf Fang


Along the roads of Battahl.

Enoa'Battahl Forest

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Saurian Scale

Saurian Tail (If tail is cut off).


Aged Shorefish

Along the rivers of Vermund.

Stormwind Cave

Waterfall Cave

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters



Darkhorde Cave

Darkbeasts' Den

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Skeleton (All Variants)

Scrap Iron

Jagged Bone

Forests of Vermund at night.

Misty Marshes

Ancient Battleground (in the castle ruins).

Waterfall Cave

Along the roads of Battahl at night.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Skeleton Lord

Fell-Lord's Bone

Visage of Ja'Nuwa (Only from the Lord in Tomb of Ja'Nuwa )

Tomb of Ja'Nuwa

Tomb of Al'Guttos

Waterfall Cave

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Greenish Slime

Inside water pools in caves in Vermund.

Along the road through Rivage Cavern.

Waterfall Cave

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Foaming Slime

Mountain Base Cave

In the volcanic areas near the Excavation Site.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters



Along the roads of Battahl in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Key of Sagacity

Mountain Shrine in Vermund.

Frontier Shrine in the mountains west of Checkpoint Rest Town.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Spider Venom Sac

Occasionally found inside caves in Vermund and Battahl.

The vault beneath the Gracious Hand.

Holy Mausoleum Ruins

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Stout Undead

Silver Crown

Tomb of Ja'Nuwa

Tomb of Al'Guttos

Tomb of Te'Glarr

Holy Mausouleum Ruins

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Spurious Wing

Along the roads of Agamen Volcanic Island.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Wakestone Shard

Set path through Agamen Volcanic Island during The Guardian Gigantus .

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Putrid Gold Tooth

Tomb of Ja'Nuwa

Tomb of Al'Guttos

Tomb of Te'Glarr

Tomb of Am'Ranna

Along the roads of Battahl at night.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

Venin Harpy

Poison Pinion

Along the roads and cliffs of Battahl.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Pointed Fang

Outside Seafloor Shrine in the Unmoored World.

Enoa'Battahl Forest in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Black Crystal

August Dalmatica

Misty Marshes

Checkpoint Rest Town graveyard at night.

Enoa'Battahl Cavern

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters


Small Fang

Monster Hide

Scrag of Beast

Along the roads and in the forests across all of Vermund.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Complete Guide To Monsters

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