Dragon’s Dogma 2: Maister’s Teachings Location Guide

Unlock every ultimate skill!

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide

As you encounter powerful foes and political intrigue in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll need to learn new techniques to keep pace. The vocation maisters can teach you their best skills, but you'll have to earn their approval first. It takes a bit of time and preparation, but thankfully, we've done most of the work for you already.

Finding each maister is half the battle, and the rest includes completing a quest or two to help them gauge your abilities and worthiness. With a little bit of help, you can collect them all to make yourself the most powerful Arisen around.

Where To Find Each Maister And Obtain Every Ultimate Skill

Each vocation has a maister that can be found and learned from. Some are harder to find than others, and a few will be found naturally as you progress through the game.

Below is a table with each maister's location and requirements so you can learn as many powerful skills as possible.

We've linked to our maister-specific guides and walkthroughs to help you obtain every skill you can!







Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide


Sir Lennart


Soldier's Code: Riotous Fury

When returning to Melve the second time during the main story, it will be under attack by a Drake. Afterward, speak to Lennart to obtain the ultimate Fighter skill.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



Sacred Arbor

Hunter's Secret: Heavenly Shot

Complete both the Gift of the Bow and Trial of Archery quests.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



The Nameless Village

Legend's Opus: Blades of the Pyre Formless Feint

Reach the Nameless Village.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



Eini's House

Enchanter's Almanac: Celestial Paean spell

Complete the Spellbound quest and save Trysha's life. Speak to Eini after.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide




Eini's House

Checkpoint Rest Village

Conjurer's Jottings: Meteoron spell

Myrddin's Chronicle: Maelstrom spell

Complete the Spellbound quest and save Trysha's life.

Complete the Sorcerer's Appraisal quest.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



Near Borderwatch Outpost

South of Battahl's border

Champion's Fable: Arc of Might

Locate Beren west of the Borderwatch Outpost and complete the Claw Them Into Shape quest. Afterwards, find his childood home south of the Battahl border and speak to Beren.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide

Magick Archer-Maister


Windwalker's Home

Volcanic Island Camp hot springs

Spellbow's Paradox: Martyr's Bolt

Complete the Put A Spring In Thy Step quest and find the hot springs.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide

Mystic Spearhand-Maister



South of Battahl's border

Paladin's Enigmata: Wild Furie

Help Sigurd defeat the Drake in Melve, then find him in Battahl in the ruins of a coliseum. He'll ask for help in defeating a relentless Drake. SPeak to him once it's defeated.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



Reverent Shrine in Battahl

Theurgist's Rite: Dragon's Delusion

Unlock the Tricker vocation and enter Bakbattahl. Locate Luz in the Reverent Shrine and speak to her.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Maister's Teachings Location Guide



Volcanic Island Camp

Grandmaster's Path: Rearmament

Complete The Sotted Sage and bring Lamond three Newt Liqueur south of the Volcanic Island Camp.

There are two Sorcerer-Maisters , and each have a quest for you to complete.

They require the same tomes, so careful planning is required to obtain both ultimate spells .

You can change vocations and learn as many of these skills as you'd like, becoming the most powerful Arisen around!

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