Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes — Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

If you have also gotten stuck at a certain wheel puzzle while trying to get the undead king’s throne back, we’ve got you covered.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

Going through various dungeons filled with puzzles and hostiles is one of the central parts of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. You'll go through these dungeons to continue the story most of the time, but there will also be times when you have to beat them to recruit specific characters.

Castle Harganthia is one of the late-game dungeons in the game, and you'll attempt to reach the top of it to try and remove the Revenants from the picture and increase your chances against the Dux. However, the puzzles and the boss in this castle won't make this easy.

How To Reach The Top Of The Castle

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

As soon as you enter the castle area, you'll quickly get a dialogue with Markus where he'll ask you to get rid of the giant flower on a tree branch. Once you do that, the branch itself will disappear with the flower, giving you the passage forward. Getting rid of these flowers will be your main method to progress on the outside part of Castle Harganthia.

After getting rid of the first one, you can remove another one on the right side before entering the castle to get a chest.

You can then head to the first inside part of Castle Harganthia, which is quite straightforward. You just have to go past a couple of moving wheels. These wheels will be moving in a certain direction, so you'll have to create some momentum in the other direction if you want to get past them. The mini-map can be used to keep track of the path you're supposed to take.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

When you go out of the first inside part, you'll again reach the outskirts of the castle. Here, you'll see the area divided into two, and the flowers you have to hit can be found in the top right of the first half, bottom right of the second half, and far right of the entire area. Enter the second inside part after this, which is also quite straightforward.

Make sure you check every corner and area that you wouldn't normally have to take for the main path of this castle.

The game deviously hides some important chests in these areas, and t hey might even be hidden from your view sometimes.

In the third area of the castle's outskirts, you can remove the flowers on the bottom right, bottom left, and top right in that order. This will open the passage to the final inside part, which features the main puzzle of the castle.

How To Solve The Wheel Puzzle

In the last part of the castle's inside portion, you'll be up against a bunch of rotating wheels with some mechanisms to switch the direction of their rotation. To get past this area, you simply have to take the first wheel on your right and reach the other side, but this wheel won't be working when you first enter.

Head deeper into the room and you'll find another wheel moving clockwise. Head down the stairs here and use the gaps between the wheel to get to its other side as it slowly turns. On the other side, you can activate the big switch, which will make the wheel start moving anti-clockwise. Head back through the same gaps and up the stairs.

Now, you can use the wheel's rotation to get on one of its platforms and go to the left side in the top section .

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

Use the next set of stairs to go high up and jump on the next wheel's platform. Since it's turning anti-clockwise as well, you'll be dropped on the platform below it, which then lets you get on the lower wheel to the left and jump on the pipe on the other side. This is an optional part of the puzzle, but you need to do it to get the chest on the other side.

After getting the chest, jump down using the wheel's platforms and go to the right from below it. Head back all the way to the point before you boarded this lower wheel for the chest. Now, you can use the gaps on the upper wheel to go to the right side and activate the lever.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

Use the same wheel to go back to the left, then the lower wheel to go down on the right side, and use the stairs to get back up again. Now, you can use the two upper wheels to get all the way to the top right point of the area. Keep going up the stairs after that to locate a flower at the very top. The first wheel of the area will start moving once you get rid of this flower.

Head back down, use the wheel on the right to go further down, and then use the initial wheel to go back to the outside. You can also drop even lower from this initial wheel to get the red chest just below the exit. Use the pipe path to get back on track and exit the area, which will lead you to the main boss fight.

How To Defeat Dead Countess

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

Dead Countess can be both one of the easiest and the hardest boss fights you'll face in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Her attacks aren't particularly lethal, but she has the ability to heal herself with some attacks. However, the most difficult aspect of this fight is her ability to summon other enemies.

And these enemies won't be any normal Revenants you've faced. Instead, they'll be the three bosses that you had to fight during the Norristar battle. It's recommended to have a couple of characters with high damage and long range in this battle so you can still focus attacks on the Countess while these summons are on the field.

The summons are on the front line, so your units won't be able to attack the countess with medium range from the back lines .

Another important thing to keep in mind is that, since the Countess uses dark magic and is essentially a demon, she takes extra damage from light attacks. You'll go a long way if you have at least one mage using this type of magic in your team.

How To Defeat Diradhe

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Castle Harganthia Walkthrough

After getting past the Dead Countess fight, you might feel like it was the easier one since you'll have to fight Diradhe next. However, it won't be a normal fight, and will instead be a duel battle between Marisa and him. In this battle, you have to use the correct attack almost every time if you want to have a chance at winning.

While it might seem like choosing the correct attack is chance-based, there's more to it than that. The type of attack you're supposed to choose mostly depends on the dialogue between the previous and the current attack. Here's the option you should choose depending on the first dialogue:


Correct Option

Marisa: Just die already!


Diradhe: This is none of your affair, child!


Diradhe: Perish


Apart from all these choices, it's also recommended to Counter on the first turn when you start the second phase of the battle.

Choosing Counter on the third type of dialogue might feel like the wrong decision since you take a lot of damage, but you'd take a lot more otherwise. If you choose the correct options, you'll breeze through this fight quite easily.

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