Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes — FAQ Guide

If you have as many questions as Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has recruitable characters, we’ve got answers for you here!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is one of the most hotly anticipated RPGs to release during a year when RPGs have been plentiful and consistently excellent. For those in the know, the reason for this palpable excitement is obvious, but those on the outside looking in are understandably going to have a lot of questions.

So what is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes? Well, it is one part a Kickstarter success story, one part a return of a beloved RPG franchise, and most importantly, a breath of fresh air that manages to stand out, even among its celebrated peers. This FAQ will tell you everything you need to know. From outlining its connection to the Suikoden series to identifying the unique ways in which it differs from other RPGs to details about its release, we have you covered!

What Is Included In The Different Versions Of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

There are two different versions of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes being sold at launch. Your two options are the Standard Edition and a Digital Deluxe Edition. We've included a chart outlining what comes in the Deluxe Edition below…


Standard Edition

Digital Deluxe Edition


$49.99 USD

$79.99 USD

Base game

Easy Journey Pack


Hope Of Alliance Pack


Digital Mini Artbook


Digital Soundtrack


Season Pass


What Comes With The Season Pass?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

The Season Pass will include three DLC scenarios.

  • The Story of Marisa Expansion
  • The Story of Seign Expansion
  • The Story of Markus Expansion

These expansions will reportedly expand upon the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes story. These DLC chapters will be released sometime after the game launches, but the dates are currently unknown.

What Consoles Will Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Release On?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Eiyuden Chronicle will simultaneously release on every major platform. That includes the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One S/X, Steam, Epic, and the Nintendo Switch.

Is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Coming To Game Pass?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Yes! Eiyuden will launch on Game Pass on day one. What a time to be alive!

What Type Of Game Is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Eiyuden is a JRPG. It plays very similarly to Suikoden 2. Which makes sense, as it was developed by many of the same people. It began as a Kickstarter and was one of the most successful games to ever be crowdfunded.

Are There Actually A Hundred Heroes To Recruit?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

There are actually more than a hundred heroes to be recruited. However, not all of them are combatants. Some of them will operate shops in your castle, others will provide you with support abilities. Recruiting certain characters will unlock certain minigames as well.

Do I Need To Have Played The Suikoden Games To Enjoy Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Absolutely not. While Eiyuden is a spiritual successor to the Suikoden games, it doesn't have any actual ties to those titles. We can say with confidence that Eiyuden is an excellent game that stands on its own two feet, even if it is very clearly carrying the legacy of the Suikoden franchise forward. If anything, you will have a more novel experience if you have never played a Suikoden title in the past!

Is This Game The Sequel To Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is set in the same universe, and some characters crossover from that title to this one, but it was always intended as a side game to hold fans over while Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was in development. There are some systems that carry over, but the combat engine is completely different and the scope of Hundred Heroes is far more grand.

What Do Players Get For Completing Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising?

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - FAQ Guide

You are given the ability to transfer your Rising save data over to Hundred Heroes. This will provide you with certain additional resources and will allow you to carry over the names of weapons and dishes you created during your Rising playthrough.

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