Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes — The Proving Ground Walkthrough

If you want to get past the Proving Grounds in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, you’ll have to solve quite a few puzzles.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - The Proving Ground Walkthrough

Once you get and name your own castle in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the next step will be to visit the Treefolk Village, which starts with Kallathor arriving at your castle. In this village, you'll find out that someone has entered The Proving Grounds, and you have to stop them.

While the person you'll see entering this area will be familiar, you won't have nearly as easy of a time as them while following. The Proving Grounds is filled with puzzles that you have to get past if you even want to have a chance at catching up.

The chests you can get in this area are covered alongside the walkthrough since it'd be a pain to go back to these places.

First Rotation Walkthrough

As soon as you enter Proving Grounds through the Road To PG, you'll see a giant platform that you can simply press and all the boulders in your way will go away. You'll then reach the main area where you'll see a mechanism that you can rotate in the middle. You have to rotate this twice to get started.

The first rotation doesn't do anything since it's specifically there to trigger the dialogue and make you aware of the mechanism.

After the second rotation, which would technically be the first main rotation, you can move forward and enter the room to your left. Keep going until you reach an elevator that'll take you to an entirely new area. Here, you'll come across another pedestal puzzle with three buttons this time. Follow these steps to solve it:

  • Step on the button in the left lane once to move the right boulder to the middle, and then head over to press the button in the right lane.
  • This will move the boulder in the left lane and you can go to the top of it and collect the silver chest. You'll have to press the button on the left lane twice to get rid of the boulder while you're on the way.
  • After claiming the chest, all the boulders should be in the middle already, and you can simply press the middle button to remove them all and proceed forward.

At the end of this area, you can press the lit button to the left and then take the elevator back to the main area. In this place, claim the chest after moving left a little and then press the pedestal to reach the rotation mechanism again.

Second Rotation Walkthrough

After reaching the main area, the next rotation you do won't lead you anywhere as well. It will open a new path on the left side but this path leads to the same area as the previous rotation. So, if you want to move forward, you'll have to rotate the mechanism once more and you'll see that two paths on the left are open this time.

Now, you can head in from the first part, go north for a bit, head back out from the second path, and enter the one on the right. This area will have two divided paths, one leads you to another elevator while the other leads you back outside. Take the elevator to the next puzzle area.

Proving Grounds can easily get confusing if you miss even a single rotation , so it's important to follow along properly.

For the next pedestal puzzle, you'll have four boulders. The boulder nearest to you will only be controlled by the middle button, the two boulders after that are controlled by the left button, and the last two boulders are controlled by the right button. The third boulder is shared between all three buttons.

To solve with, simply press the buttons in the following pattern: Left — Left — Left — Middle — Middle — Right — Middle. You can also claim the chest on the left side after pressing the button for the first time. Once again, activate the button at the end and get to the rotation platform through the second elevator here. You'll find another chest on the way.

Third And Fourth Rotations Walkthrough

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - The Proving Ground Walkthrough

The next part of this puzzle is quite easy. When you rotate the mechanism again, you'll see two paths on the left side. One will be the one that leads you to the same area, and you can completely ignore it.

The second path towards the end of this area will lead you to two more elevators, which eventually lead you to a triangle-shaped button. You simply have to press this button and take the same path back to the main area so that you can rotate the button again.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - The Proving Ground Walkthrough

When you rotate the button one more time, it'll open four paths in the area, two on each side. You have to head inside the first part on the left, outside the other, and then enter the farthest path on the right. You can ignore the other path on the right since it leads you to the same area you've visited before.

On the farthest path, you'll have another couple of elevators with a glowing button at the end. Kallathor will press this one after a small cutscene, and the main door will open. At this point, you'll have to rotate the button three more times to form a straight path through the main door again.

The first two rotations will spawn elevators in the middle of the path, and you can take these to unlock the last two chests in the area .

To get to the second elevator, you'll need to go through the path on the right near the rotating mechanism so that you can come out of the left open path.

How To Defeat Slaosha And Astraea

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - The Proving Ground Walkthrough

After solving all these puzzles, you'd think that you're about to be at the end of your Proving Grounds journey. However, these dreams will be shattered as you witness two main bosses one after another. The first one is the duo of Astraea the Judge and Slaosha the Enforcer. You'll see an A-tier shield on Astraea.

This shield will take damage from Blunt attacks, but while it's there, Astraea will take far less damage from Slash attacks. The main idea of this battle is to focus all your attacks to defeat the Enforcer first while trying to also take down Astraea's shield with a couple of Blunt attacks every round.

If his shield is low, the Enforcer will start healing it back up, which is good because that prevents him from attacking your team .

After defeating the Enforcer, Astraea will get a special attack where he wakes up all the guardian angels on the pillars nearby and readies up for a massive AoE attack in the next turn. There's no gimmick that you can use here, so you just have to defeat him as fast as possible.

One thing you'll notice is that Astraea uses Light magic, which makes him weak to Dark magic. It's highly recommended to have at least one party member using this type of magic and having a high mana and magic attack.

How To Defeat Hurstwine And Narungarde

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - The Proving Ground Walkthrough

Even though it's a tough one, the fight against the enforcer and the judge will not be your last one in this dungeon. After moving forward just a bit, you'll start your fight against two familiar faces. The main thing to note here is that Hurstwine only has single-target attacks, but has a chance of inflicting sleep on the attacked ally.

On the other hand, Narungarde also has single-target attacks mostly, but she deals a lot more damage. The main idea here is to defeat Narungarde as fast as possible, and Hurstwine is easy to deal with after that. However, you'll need quite a few items to remove the sleep effect from your allies.

Narungarde uses Earth magic, so you can easily counter her attacks by bringing an Earth Enchantment Rune .

This rune has an ability that can increase the entire party's resistance to Earth damage .

You'll finally be able to leave the Proving Grounds after winning this boss fight, thus bringing an end to a long and arduous journey.

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