Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

This is one of the strongest sets of Power Armor in the game. Here’s where to find it.

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

X-01 Armor is the strongest type of Power Armor in Fallout 4, and it's also one of the rarest. There aren't many unique pieces of X-01 Armor, but it's still incredibly tough because of its armor rating and the attachments you can craft for it.

Luckily, you can find the X-01 Armor at lots of locations, so you can collect a suit for yourself and most of your human companions. Here's everything you need to know about finding X-01 Armor and how useful it is during combat.

Updated April 24, 2024 by Quinton O'Connor: Amazon's delightful television adaptation of the Fallout universe is in full swing. Go figure, we're seeing renewed interest in the franchise as a result. We've refreshed our Power Armor guide to help newcomers and returning survivors.

How Powerful Is The X-01 Power Armor?

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The Enclave created the X-01 Armor, and it's one of the best pieces of equipment in Fallout 4. It has an armor rating higher than every other type of armor in the Commonwealth, and a base set of X-01 Armor is even stronger than the majority of unique Power Armor pieces.

A full suit of X-01 Armor without any upgrades grants 1,220 physical damage resistance, 1,050 radiation resistance, and energy resistance. A fully upgraded suit of X-01 Armor grants 1,820 physical damage resistance, 1,050 radiation resistance, and 1,390 energy resistance.

​​​​​​How To Get X-01 Power Armor

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

Many locations can spawn either a partial or full set of X-01 Armor. Each of these locations features different enemies, and a few of them require DLC to access.

Except for one X-01 Helmet and the Quantum X-01 Armor, you need to reach level 28 before X-01 Armor spawns in Power Armor locations.

X-01 Helmet On The Prydwen

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The X-01 Helmet is available at any level as long as you have access to the Prydwen. Join the Brotherhood Of Steel and walk to the back of the Prydwen's interior. You'll encounter a character named Proctor Teagan who can sell you various items. Inside his booth, you'll see an X-01 Helmet.

If you can pick the Master Lock near Proctor Teagan, then you can enter the booth and steal the helmet. The Brotherhood Knight-Captain aboard the Prydwen also has a key you can pickpocket to open the door.

The Prydwen is also linked to the quest titled Blind Betrayal, which is a major part of the Brotherhood of Steel questline and especially poignant for Paladin Danse.

X-01 Suit West Of Finch Farm

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

There's a trailer directly west of Finch Farm where you can find a partial suit of X-01 Armor that's missing an arm and helmet.

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The trailer is near a Military Convoy. You can also travel northeast of the National Guard Training Yard to find this suit.

You can snag The Gainer from the hidden location of Vitale Pumphouse to the east of Finch Farm.

X-01 Suit In The Fort Hagen Hangar

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

You need the Automatron DLC to access this location.

If you need a full set of X-01 Armor, then the Fort Hagen Hangar is the place for you. The suit is behind a security door in Fort Hagen Hangar's interior, so travel inside and open the door to get the X-01 Armor.

There are lots of Rust Devils inside the building, and they can even enter the X-01 Armor, so try to sneak around the building to avoid starting a fight.

X-01 Suit At The Federal Surveillance Center K-21B

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

Travel to the Abandoned Shack, which doubles as the Federal Surveillance Center K-21B, and head inside. Check the corner behind the staircase and see if it's a suit of X-01 Armor.

Unfortunately, this suit commonly has various pieces missing, but it usually includes most of the set.

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The Federal Surveillance Center K-21B is inside the Glowing Sea, and it's crawling with Institute Synths , so bring armor for radiation and energy resistance.

X-01 Suit At The Crashed Vertibird

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

You can easily acquire a full set of X-01 Armor by traveling southwest of the Suffolk County Charter School, which is in the far southern section of the Commonwealth.

You'll spot a Crashed Vertibird while traveling southwest, and next to it is a suit of X-01 Armor. Before you can claim your free reward, you may need to fight a Major Gutsy robot, so bring a powerful weapon with you. The area you should be searching for the Vertibird is a swamp.

X-01 Suit On The Roof Of The 35 Court Building

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

This suit requires a lot of combat , so only attempt to get it if you're a high level.

Travel to the Custom House Tower and move through the alley on the left to find a green building called the35 Court Building inBoston. Enter the building and continue through it until you reach the entrance to the roof.

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

Once you're on the roof, defeat the Sentry Bot and Assaultron from the pods. Then press the buttons inside the pods, and you can retrieve a full suit of X-01 Armor. Both of the robots hit hard, so bringing a different set of Power Armor is a good idea if you don't mind retrieving it later or leaving it on the roof.

We've gathered some intel on the hardest fights in Fallout 4, including heavy-duty Assaultrons.

X-01 Suit During "The Big Dig" Quest

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

An extra set of X-01 Armor is available while completing "The Big Dig" quest. It's a full suit of armor, so this is a great way to get X-01 Armor and complete a side quest at the same time.

To start "The Big Dig" quest, enter Goodneighbor and travel down the Alleyway on the right side of the main street. Next, speak with Bobbi No-Nose behind the door in the alley. Continue the quest until you get the opportunity to start blowing up rocks in the tunnel with Sonya.

When you first get the option to instruct which area of the tunnel to blow up, you should blow up every path until you find a Mirelurk King. Defeat the Mirelurk King, and then you can enter the X-01 Armor.

This is an early part of "The Big Dig" quest, making it ideal if you need the armor quickly.

X-01 Suit Near Dry Rock Gulch In Nuka-World

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

Travel to Dry Rock Gulch, which is one of the parks in the Nuka-World DLC. Then head west until you come across a flatbed truck behind the parking lot area; the truck is outside Nuka-World's official property.

You shouldn't encounter any enemies at the truck itself, but there are lots of dangerous enemies throughout the Nuka-World world space, so bring combat equipment in case you encounter a Deathclaw or other mutated creatures.

X-01 Suit In The Nuka-World Power Plant

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The Power Plant in the Nuka-World DLC is one of the best locations to get X-01 Armor. You have to enter the Power Plant during the "Power Play"quest.

First, clear out and assign each of the five parks to one of the Raider Gangs, then complete three quests to take over three settlements in the Commonwealth. When you return to Shank, he'll explain that the raider group with the fewest territories is attacking the Power Plant to take over the park.

If you decide to wipe the raiders from Nuka-World, then you need to kill the raiders that reside inside the park, including their bosses , during the "Open Season" quest . You can enter the Power Plant during this mission to restore the park's power.

Once you're inside the Nuka-World Power Plant, travel into the basement and hack aterminal. The terminal will open the door to reveal a full set of X-01 Armor. Depending on your quest, there may be large groups of hostile raiders inside the Power Plant.

Quantum X-01 Power Armor In The Galactic Zone

Fallout 4: How To Get A Full Suit Of X-01 Power Armor

The Quantum X-01 Armor is a unique suit of Power Armor you can find in the Galactic Zone within the Nuka-World DLC. Travel to the center of the Galactic Zone, as you can see in the picture above, then interact with the computer, and you'll immediately start the "Star Control" quest.

While you're enjoying Nuka-World, you'll inevitably cross paths with Colter , a Fallout 4 boss with some remarkably eclectic gameplay mechanics. If you need an assist, we've got you covered.

You need to collect35 Star Cores throughout Nuka-World to unlock the Quantum X-01 Armor. Most of the Star Cores are in fairly obvious places, and you will likely have already found a few by the time you get this quest. Some Star Cores reside inside buildings, while others are outside.

The Quantum X-01 Armor grants faster action point regeneration, so it's a very useful ability if you use VATS a lot.

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