Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

Get a head start and prepare for the late game by choosing these stats at the beginning of your New Vegas adventure.

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

Fallout: New Vegas holds a special position in the franchise for a lot of fans. It carries a lot of popular features not found in other entries, has memorable companions and unfolds a strong narrative from the seeming blank slate of an amnesiac protagonist.

It can be daunting to start out the game, especially coming from newer entries in the series. The game starts character creation with an inkblot test and personality quiz, and the value of different stats and skills is hard to gauge without cracking open a guide or wiki page. Here's a solid starting build for a courier that can conquer the Mojave.

SPECIAL Attributes

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

The general descriptions the game gives towards SPECIAL stats can be a bit deceptive in terms of how useful each is. Lots of them have hidden secondary effects that you can't directly see the numbers on.

The game starts you with five in everything and five extra points to allocate. The other way to look at it is having 33 points and a minimum of one in each attribute. This build focuses on maximising four attributes: intelligence, endurance, agility, and perception.

You don't want any SPECIAL attribute to start at 10. This prevents you from making use of any features that increase them later, such as implants, traits, or quest rewards.


Starting Value




Strength is situational. It is vital for melee builds but has limited use elsewhere.

Having a six in strength unlocks the stonewall perk, which prevents knockdown effects that can easily stunlock the courier.



Perception increases the range at which enemies will be detected and added to your compass.

A low perception will have you being frequently ambushed as you only detect enemies once they start hitting you.



Endurance not only gives you more HP but also lets you install implants from Doctor Usanagi in New Vegas. These implants give permanent bonuses to your SPECIAL attributes as well as unique perks such as passive healing.

Consider each point of endurance to also be an investment towards your other stats later on. An endurance of nine lets you obtain all implants.



Charisma does very little directly for your character. Its main use is that it applies a hidden modifier to damage and armour for companions.

It's typically not worth investing in unless you're using mods to recruit multiple companions or are doing a challenge run involving them.



Intelligence gives you better scaling per level. You'll get more skill points each time you level up, letting you max out your key skills faster.



Agility affects how quickly you perform certain animations, such as unsheathing weapons or reloading.

This makes agility always relevant, alongside it unlocking useful feats later on.



Luck has minimal impact on normal gameplay but lets you quickly make money at the casinos.

A character with maximum luck can get a head start in the early game by rolling jackpot slots and then buying legendary weapons.

Using other boosts, these SPECIAL stats will be increased to a permanent 7,8,10,2,10,10,2, and you can gain stronger temporary boosts with chems and equipment to pass skillchecks.

Best Starting Skills To Choose

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

You'll be recommended a set of starting skills based on the Doc's personality quiz. You shouldn't feel obligated to take his suggestion: Saying you like to solve problems directly will assume you mean using melee weapons, which this build lacks the strength to make the most of.

Tag skills in New Vegas are less important than in other games of the series. You'll get a flat sum of bonus points to them, but with ten intelligence, you'll eventually gain 100 in everything.

You'll also gain some relevant starting gear, such as a ballistic or energy pistol, depending on your choice of weapon skills.

Tag Skills

Deciding Factor


Energy Weapons Or Guns

Personal Preference

These make the best staple weapons, either guns or energy weapons. In the early game you'll struggle to have a large supply of explosives, or the armour to use melee against the stronger wildlife enemies like cazadors or deathclaws.

Ballistic weapons are easier to find in the early game, while energy weapons have more varied special effects and entertaining weapon mods.

Medicine Or Survival

Is hard mode enabled?

Both skills give you access to healing and crafting recipes that'll be useful throughout the game.

Survival mode changes the equation of whether medicine or survival is the better skill. Being able to improvise food items that heal and reduce starvation becomes more important than increasing the healing value of stimpaks that you can carry an infinite number of anyway.


Can be replaced with another utility skill

Speech is always useful, and a starting charisma of one means you'll have barely any points in it. Choosing it as a tag skill brings it back up to a respectable number, which you can then boost further with chems or magazines until you have enough levels to invest in it.

Best Traits To Choose

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

Traits give both advantages and penalties, though with the right build, you can completely ignore their downsides. You can pick two traits during character creation. The Old World Blues DLC allows the courier to repick later.

  1. Small Frame gives you +1 agility at the cost of more easily breaking your limbs. Perks and quest rewards can make your limbs unbreakable, or by just carrying a large enough supply of medicines to unbreak your limbs at will.
  2. Four Eyes gives you a free +2 perception while wearing glasses, but you lose a point of base perception.

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats To Pick

The bonus points given here let you start with most of your key attributes near their maximum.

Once you reach the city outskirts you'll be able to fully upgrade them at Doctor Usanagi's medical clinic . You'll want to get the intelligence implant early , as it does not give skill points retroactively.

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