Fallout Shelter: Achievement/Trophy Guide

Are you up to the challenge?

Fallout Shelter: Achievement/Trophy Guide

There are many things to do as an overseer of a vault in Fallout Shelter, and with a complete list of achievements and trophies to obtain, you can strive for new goals. Completing these objectives will take careful planning and effort. If you're wondering how to 100 percent Fallout Shelter, we've got you covered.

Some are easier to obtain than others, but you'll likely unlock many as you work on developing your vault and making your dwellers happy. here's everything you need to know to earn every achievement and trophy in Fallout Shelter as the vault overseer.

Complete Achievement/Trophy List

Fallout Shelter: Achievement/Trophy Guide



How To Unlock

Mattress Stuffer

Collect 1,000 Caps

Earn resources, open lunchboxes, and more to collect caps.

Atom Splitter

Merged 3 Power Rooms

Build three adjoining power rooms to merge them.

Dine and Dash

Merged 3 Food Rooms

Build three adjoining food rooms to merge them.

Project Purity

Merged 3 Water Rooms

Build three adjoining water rooms to merge them.

A Vault For My Vault

Collect 10,000 Caps

Earn resources, open lunchboxes, and more to collect caps.

Better Settler

Level up a Dweller from 1 to Level 10

Assign a dweller to a production room to increase their level over time.

Vault-Tec Architect

Build 25 Rooms

Build 25 rooms in your vault.

You're Fired!

Kill 10 Quest Bosses

Send dwellers on quests and defeat the bosses.

Higher and Higher

Level up a Dweller to level 25

Assign a dweller to a production room to increase their level over time.

Vault-Tec Engineers

Build 50 Rooms

Build 50 rooms in your vault.

Wasteland Wanderer

Complete 10 Quests

Send vault dwellers on quests and ensure they succeed.

Hard Work is Happy Work

Successfully complete 50 Room Rushes

Start a Rush in a production room and succeed with it 50 times.

Prepared For The Future

Make 25 babies

Assign two dwellers of the opposite sex to the living quarters and deliver 25 babies.

A Better Future, Underground

Upgrade 20 Rooms to Level 3

Save up your caps and fully upgrade 20 rooms.

Enemy of the Wastes

Kill 500 enemies on Quests

Send dwellers out on quests to kill enemies.


Level up a Dweller to level 50

Assign a dweller to a production room to increase their level over time.


Craft 10 Weapons

Assign a dweller to the Weapon Workshop and craft weapons.

Paint 'n Elbow Grease

Collect all Pieces of 1 Theme

Theme fragments can be found in the wasteland and on quests.

Smooth Talker

Make 25 Dialogue Choices in Quests

Send your dwellers on quests.

Urban Ranger

Complete 30 Quests

Send your dwellers on quests.


Craft 10 Outfits

Assign a dweller to the Outfit Workshop and craft clothing.

Big Pharma

Collect 100 Stimpacks and Radaway on Quests

Send your dwellers on quests to find Stimpaks and RadAways.


Collect all Pieces of 4 Themes

Theme fragments can be found in the wasteland and on quests.

More than Hardy

Craft and Outfit, a Weapon, and a Theme

Assign dwellers to the different workshops to craft items.

Fashion Statement

Collect 20 Legendary outfits

Open lunchboxes, go on quests, and assign dwellers to the Outfit Workshop to craft Legendary outfits.

Home Sweet Home

Build 1 of every room type

Save your caps and build ones of every type of room, including training rooms, production rooms, etc.


Complete 60 Quests

Send your dwellers out on quests.

Armed and Dangerous

Collect 20 Legendary weapons

Open lunchboxes, go on quests, and assign dwellers to the Weapon Workshop to craft Legendary weapons.

Legend of the Wastes

Complete 100 Quests

Send your dwellers out on quests.

Get Off My Lawn

Successfully stop 50 Raider Attacks

Arm your dwellers to defend against Raider Attacks.

A Little off the Top

Change the appearance of 10 NPCs in the Barbershop

Build the Barbershop room and use it to change NPCs appearances.


Scrap 500 items

Open your storage and scrap items you don't need.

Interior Designer

Craft 1 of every room theme

Craft all room themes in the Theme Workshop.

Overachieve Much?

Complete 100 Objectives

Open the menu to view your objectives for the day, and complete them.

Blast From The Past

Collect 20 Legendary Dwellers

Open Lunchboxes to find Legendary Dwellers.

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